OPB Nominated For 21 NW Regional Emmy Awards


OPB has collected 21 nominations for the NW Regional Emmy Awards 2014 from the Northwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.  OPB’s local TV productions, and individual staff, have been recognized for their work in many categories, (historical and cultural segments, environmental programming and specials, as well as documentaries, arts & entertainment features, individual writing, producer and reporting honors) as well as an overall  “Station Excellence” award.  You can read the nominations breakdown here. Continue reading... “OPB Nominated For 21 NW Regional Emmy Awards”

The Impact of Oregon Film

Hi All– I’m the new intern here at the Governor’s Office of Film & Television.  I love all things film and Oregon, as well as baking and studying communication theory.  If you want to talk about the entertainment industry, I’m practically a walking IMDb.

Have a good one!   -Katlyn Prentice


You can learn quite a bit by the clothes you wear.  Walking around my campus in Boston, sporting my new Portlandia sweatshirt, I learned a lot about the impact that Oregon filmmaking has on rest of the country.  Continue reading... “The Impact of Oregon Film”

Intertwine Revisited: One on One with Dylan Wayne Lawrence

On May 5, 2013, I got a chance to sit down with the creator behind Intertwine, Dylan Wayne Lawrence, in response to an article I had written earlier with Eastern Oregon University Alumni, Lindsay Freeland, about the T.V. pilot, Intertwine. The following are excerpts from that conversation:

Chuck:  So what’s new with you?  What’s all exciting and new with Dylan Wayne Lawrence?

Dylan:  Well, it’s mostly Intertwine (laughs).  Although I did get cast in a film project shooting in Utah called, “Give Me Children.” Continue reading... “Intertwine Revisited: One on One with Dylan Wayne Lawrence”

Did You Know. . . . .

Did you see these bumpers stickers last week in Salem during “Industry Day”?

Did You Know. . . . .  is a new awareness campaign, created in partnership with the film community, that aims to illustrate facts that enlighten the public and the business community alike, to the extended benefits of having a thriving film, TV and multimedia industry in Oregon.

Did You Know . . . . . that even within the industry itself there is sometimes confusion over what our office does and what we are responsible for?  Continue reading... “Did You Know. . . . .”

Oregon Film Office Says Thanks To “Leverage” For Four Great Seasons Shooting In Portland By Donating Neighborhood Trees

Dean Devlin, Producer Leverage, Senator Ginny Burdick (picture Frank DiMarco)

The Oregon Film & Television Office thanked Leverage for four great seasons shooting in the Portland Metro area by donating four trees to be planted in metro neighborhoods through the  Friends Of Trees non-profit program.  Leverage’s Producer, Dean Devlin,  was presented with a certificate noting the dates and neighborhoods the trees will be planted by Senator Ginny Burdick (and, naturally, the certificate was printed on 100% recycled, FSC certified paper).  Continue reading... “Oregon Film Office Says Thanks To “Leverage” For Four Great Seasons Shooting In Portland By Donating Neighborhood Trees”

Join the Co-Op! Portlandia is Gearing Up for Season 3

Portlandia returns January 4th with a whole new, ten episode season of sketches.

Back in August, Portlandia’s director, Johnathan Krisel told the Oregonian that this season was “getting weirder”, so lots to look forward too then!  Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein will be working with some returning favorites, like Kyle MacLachlan as Portland’s fictitious mayor, as well as plenty of new characters such as Chloë Sevigny playing a new roommate for Carrie and Fred.  However, IFC didn’t want to make hardcore fans wait until January for the new season so they are showing, “Winter In Portlandia” as a special, airing December 14th. Continue reading... “Join the Co-Op! Portlandia is Gearing Up for Season 3”

Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Acapulco’s Gold


Today we bring your the final video (above) in our Summer Interns’ “Oregon Vendor Spotlight” video series.  Today’s video features local restaurant, Acapulco’s Gold.

When a film or television show comes to town, many restaurants in the vicinity of the production see an immediate increase in business. Acapulco’s Gold, located near the NW Portland set of NBC’s “Grimm,” is no exception. After a long, strenuous day of filming, crew members often head to Acapulco’s Gold to kick back and relax in their friendly, one of a kind atmosphere.

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Oregon Vendor Spotlight: City Liquidators


This week we bring you the final two videos of our Summer Interns’ “Oregon Vendor Spotlight” video series.  In today’s video (above), the Interns visit the Portland family owned City Liquidators.

What at first appeared to be a common furniture store has become a unique, one-stop shop for film and television productions looking to buy props and other items in the Portland area. City Liquidators, family owned and operated by the Pelett family, has seen a recent boost in business thanks to the film industry in Oregon.

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Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Bent Image Lab and Hive-FX


For the next video of the series (above), the Oregon Film Summer Interns talk to both Bent Image Lab and Hive-FX about their recent animation and visual effects (VFX) work.

With the consistent production of successful animation and VFX work in Portland, Bent Image Lab and Hive-FX are among the most active and respected animation/VFX companies in the state. They define the talent in Oregon, and set the bar high. With high-profile clientele and big-contract work, both companies have earned impressive international reputations.

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Top Gear USA – Can You Get From Portland to San Francisco On Just One Tank Of Gas?

Top Gear USA

We will find out tonight if it’s possible to drive from Portland to San Fransisco on just one tank of gas. The History Channel’s  Top Gear USA series, modeled after the UK BBC series of the same name, has a similar set up with weekly car challenges and rewards.  Tonight’s challenge takes presenters, Tanner Foust, Adam Ferrara and Rutledge Wood from Portland to San Francisco without  being allowed to fill up.  Whomever makes it closest to San Francisco wins the chance to drive the “toughest off road machine in the world” in a race in the Colorado mountains.  Continue reading... “Top Gear USA – Can You Get From Portland to San Francisco On Just One Tank Of Gas?”