Chuck Peters, a small town filmmaker and LEGO stop-motion animator has launched his Kickstarter campaign for his latest project Hak and Gnasher. The campaign’s aim is to raise $1350.00 for acquiring the necessary LEGO bricks, animation software, and a DSLR camera to allow him to produce his web series Hak and Gnasher in house. The campaign is over half over, with only 25 days left, and he has raised 67% of the goal so far.
On May 5, 2013, I got a chance to sit down with the creator behind Intertwine, Dylan Wayne Lawrence, in response to an article I had written earlier with Eastern Oregon University Alumni, Lindsay Freeland, about the T.V. pilot, Intertwine.The following are excerpts from that conversation:
Chuck:So what’s new with you? What’s all exciting and new with Dylan Wayne Lawrence?
Intertwine. Speaking the word makes one think of grape vines in a vineyard, snakes, tangles and knots. It almost never has positive connotations and reminds us that dealing with something that is intertwined with something else means that as simple as the issue seems at first, it’s going to get very complicated very quickly. Welcome to the world of Intertwine.
The La Grande Summer Film Project has officially wrapped for 2010. The project drew over 75 participant this year as 8 teams battled through 48 hours in efforts to create 3-7 minute short films based on criteria given to them at the start of the project. 8 genres and 8 featured locations in La Grande, Oregon were used and the final films were screened outdoors on Depot Street next to Mt. Emily Ale House on Friday Night, August 20th. The event was packed and over 200 people witnessed the LGSFP 2010 premiere. Continue reading... “That's a Wrap! La Grande Summer Film Project Concludes for 2010”