That's a Wrap! La Grande Summer Film Project Concludes for 2010

The La Grande Summer Film Project has officially wrapped for 2010. The project drew over 75 participant this year as 8 teams battled through 48 hours in efforts to create 3-7 minute short films based on criteria given to them at the start of the project. 8 genres and 8 featured locations in La Grande, Oregon were used and the final films were screened outdoors on Depot Street next to Mt. Emily Ale House on Friday Night, August 20th. The event was packed and over 200 people witnessed the LGSFP 2010 premiere. Continue reading... “That's a Wrap! La Grande Summer Film Project Concludes for 2010”

The D-Sandwich Interviews: Refreshing Eastern Oregon's Sense of Humor


D-Sandwich interviews Michael Bettis, local beekeeper and learns about local honey production in La Grande, Oregon and the Grande Ronde Valley.

D explores issues like honey health facts, colony collapse disorder, infant botulism, sex practices of the species, as well as get’s personal – a slew of “This or That’s” outline one of the great contributing community members of La Grande, Oregon.

A lot of questions, a lot of info, a lot of laughs, support local foods systems with local honey. Continue reading... “The D-Sandwich Interviews: Refreshing Eastern Oregon's Sense of Humor”

La Grande Summer Film Project: Community Filmmaking Opportunity

La  Grande Summer Film Project

Eastern Oregon Film Festival in conjunction with Crossing the Blues: La Grande Summer Festival is pleased to present the 3rd annual La Grande Summer Film Project. The project will kick off on Friday August 13th, with a Night Life social event at White House Coffee (1702 Fourth Street). Teams will be identified, organized, and specific criteria for their film will be given. After the participants have had a chance to “schmooze”, ACTION will be called at 9:00pm – and the filmmakers have 48 hours to deliver their final project. Continue reading... “La Grande Summer Film Project: Community Filmmaking Opportunity”