Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Acapulco’s Gold


Today we bring your the final video (above) in our Summer Interns’ “Oregon Vendor Spotlight” video series.  Today’s video features local restaurant, Acapulco’s Gold.

When a film or television show comes to town, many restaurants in the vicinity of the production see an immediate increase in business. Acapulco’s Gold, located near the NW Portland set of NBC’s “Grimm,” is no exception. After a long, strenuous day of filming, crew members often head to Acapulco’s Gold to kick back and relax in their friendly, one of a kind atmosphere.

While this concludes the initial set of vendor videos in the series, we are currently collecting additional stories.  If you have a story to share about the positive impact of recent Oregon film and television on your business, please let us help you tell your story.

You can the previous videos in the series here: “Shop Adorn”“Local Nursery Supply Chain”“PG&L and Bend Oregon’s ATI”, “Koerner Camera Systems“, “Cambridge Precision Machining“, “Bent Image Lab and Hive-FX“, and “City Liquidators“.

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