Dean Devlin and Governor Kitzhaber Presented The Oregon Film & Television Film Advocate Award To Clackamas County

Governor Kitzhaber presents the Film Advocate Award to Catherine Comer and Jamie Johnk (photo: Frank DiMarco)

At Oregon Film & Television’s Annual Meeting last night, Dean Devlin (Producer, Leverage) and Governor Kitzhaber presented Film Advocate Awards to Catherine Comer and Jamie Johnk from Clackamas County Business and Economic Development.  Catherine, (Business & Economic Development Manager) and Jamie (Economic Development Coordinator) represent a “best case” example of the cooperation between the needs of the film and media production industry and the community at large.  Continue reading... “Dean Devlin and Governor Kitzhaber Presented The Oregon Film & Television Film Advocate Award To Clackamas County”

Happy Holidays from Limbo Films!

My what a busy year 2012 turned out to be! We produced spots for Mead Notebooks, Ikea, Intel, Kent State University, Cadet Heating, Leatherman Tools, and the Portland Trail Blazers.

Once the creatives at New York agency Ryan Partners gave Limbo Films the green light on a national spot for Five Star/Mead Notebooks our first task was setting the excellent trainers from Boones Animals in Hollywood to work. For 2 weeks prior to our Santa Monica based shoot they trained 4 hero and 4 back-up pooches to do the tricks required by the script and all their work paid off. Continue reading... “Happy Holidays from Limbo Films!”

Oregon Vendor Spotlight: City Liquidators

This week we bring you the final two videos of our Summer Interns’ “Oregon Vendor Spotlight” video series.  In today’s video (above), the Interns visit the Portland family owned City Liquidators.

What at first appeared to be a common furniture store has become a unique, one-stop shop for film and television productions looking to buy props and other items in the Portland area. City Liquidators, family owned and operated by the Pelett family, has seen a recent boost in business thanks to the film industry in Oregon.

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Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Bent Image Lab and Hive-FX

For the next video of the series (above), the Oregon Film Summer Interns talk to both Bent Image Lab and Hive-FX about their recent animation and visual effects (VFX) work.

With the consistent production of successful animation and VFX work in Portland, Bent Image Lab and Hive-FX are among the most active and respected animation/VFX companies in the state. They define the talent in Oregon, and set the bar high. With high-profile clientele and big-contract work, both companies have earned impressive international reputations.

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Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Koerner Camera Systems

For our next video in the Oregon Film Summer Interns’ “Oregon Vendor Spotlight” series (above) we visited Koerner Camera Systems in Portland.

Koerner Camera Systems provides cameras and equipment to many film and television productions in Oregon.  Thanks to increased business from shows such as  “Grimm” and “Leverage,” Koerner is now the largest camera supplier in the northwest.  Thanks to the infrastructure they have created, other productions in the state now have access to cutting edge technology and equipment.

You can view the first three videos in the series here: “Shop Adorn” , “Local Nursery Supply Chain” and “PG&L and Bend Oregon’s ATI”.   Continue reading... “Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Koerner Camera Systems”

Oregon Vendor Spotlight: PG&L and Bend Oregon’s ATI

The third installment of our Oregon Film Summer Interns’ “Oregon Vendor Spotlight” series (above) features local businesses Pacific Grip & Lighting and Autonomy Technology Inc. (ATI).

A boost in production work and employees are the results both Pacific Grip and Lighting (Portland, OR) and ATI (Bend, OR) have noticed from the consistency of the work being filmed in Oregon. The interconnectedness of numerous grip and lighting companies is expected, but less obvious is the far-reaching economic impact as we follow the chain of supply.

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Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Share Your Story

Oregon Film Interns filming at Bent Image Lab

Hopefully you have been following our Oregon Film Summer Interns’ “Oregon Vendor Spotlight” video series. The series of videos, produced by our interns (Sabrina, Justen, and Jake) over the course of the summer, features interviews with local vendors that have recently experienced an increase in business due to film and television production.  They were able to capture the stories of 12 local businesses in eight videos, but we know that there are many more businesses out there that have benefitted from local film and TV production.   Continue reading... “Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Share Your Story”

Oregon Vendor Spotlight: Local Nursery Supply Chain Fulfills “Grimm’s” Green Needs

The second video in our Oregon Film Summer Interns’ “Oregon Vendor Spotlight” series (above) follows the local supply chain that is utilized to provide the unique greenery needed for NBC’s “Grimm.”

In order to provide the trees, bushes and plants that help create “Grimm’s” eerie atmosphere, the show’s greensman, Charlie Carlsen, looks to local nurseries such as Dennis’ 7 Dees and Cascadian. They provide greenery from their stock and, in turn, activate their supply chain of other nurseries in the area to help meet the increased demand.

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Sustainable Business Oregon Talks Green Impact

Lee van Der Voo, a contributing writer for Sustainable Business Oregon contacted our office last week to find out more about sustainable production efforts and practices that are taking place on set and in production offices in Oregon.  You can read the whole article in their news section here.

Sustainable Business Oregon is a “publication of the Portland Business Journal, dedicated to covering the news and issues at the intersection of business and sustainability.”

We continue to work on green initiatives and we are always interested in collaborating on ways to help production be greener.  Continue reading... “Sustainable Business Oregon Talks Green Impact”