Portland Filmmaker Josh Hoffman’s “UNDER THE KNIFE” Now Slashing!



Bloated Cat Productions and Penguin Films have unleashed “The New Face of Horror.” UNDER THE KNIFE is a psychedelic journey into the vortex of vanity.

“Beverly travels to South Korea to get plastic surgery, but ends up unknowingly getting a computerized implant from a surgeon who maniacally turns his patients into beautiful killing machines.”

Prep for surgery. This film will get implanted in your head! Bloody deaths, exotic locations, atmospheric nightmares, and much more. Inspired by the fun vibe of 80’s American slashers and the hypnotic visual decadence of 70’s Italian giallo films. Continue reading... “Portland Filmmaker Josh Hoffman’s “UNDER THE KNIFE” Now Slashing!”

Ashland Is On The Oregon Film Trail With Two New Signs!

The 18th and 19th signs on the Oregon Film Trail are now installed in the City of Ashland – they celebrate the town’s starring role in “Wild” and the historic Oregon Shakespeare Festival as inspiration for “Coraline”.  The signs are now located in the Downtown Plaza, and at the intersection of Pioneer Street and East Main Street in front of OSF’s Black Swan Theatre and the Ashland Chamber of Commerce.

Historic downtown Ashland featured prominently in “Wild”, the highly acclaimed 2014 film adaptation of the best-selling book, starring Reese Witherspoon as Oregon author Cheryl Strayed.  Continue reading... “Ashland Is On The Oregon Film Trail With Two New Signs!”

Oregon’s Top Trainer Talks To The Animals


Lauren Henry and partner Roland Sonnenburg started Talented Animals in 2005, and, if a film was made in Oregon and there was a live animal in it, chances are they were trained by Talented Animals.

Willamette Week’s Jay Horton profiled Henry and Talented Animals which are now, arguably, the most sought-after animal trainer in the Pacific Northwest. Remember the llama and rattlesnake in “Wild?” Yup, that was them. But make sure you check out the upcoming “Lean on Pete” (playing at Portland International Film Festival on Feb. Continue reading... “Oregon’s Top Trainer Talks To The Animals”

Upcoming Wildlife Mini-Series aims to change how we see the natural world

Have you ever wanted to stand eye to eye with an elephant, or watch as a tiger slowly walks past you?  Or maybe you dream is to swim

with a manta ray, or see the frozen tundras of the north? Well, good news, one team is working to make this a new type of reality, and they intend to share these experiences with the world.

Based in Salem, Oregon, All Around Productions is taking aim at how we view, and experience our natural world.   Continue reading... “Upcoming Wildlife Mini-Series aims to change how we see the natural world”

Oregon Story Board’s Class of 2015

Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 5.20.30 PM

Yesterday at the Hollywood Theatre, the local business accelerator, Oregon Story Board presented their second Demo Day this year (first one was in January) of their eclectic class of 2015.

There to present their pitches were: Teak, scopic, WILD, Rose City Game Consulting, morebots, sprocketship,  The Secret Book Club, and Original Fare, all of which embody “digital storytelling” as a common thread running through their work.  The eight new start-ups were impressive in their vision and scope.   Continue reading... “Oregon Story Board’s Class of 2015”

“Seven Wonders” Campaign + Film Tourism – Has Affected Increased Visitors To Oregon

The love for the beauty and magnificence of Oregon as a destination continues – this week the New York Times travel section reported that Travel Oregon’s “Seven Wonders” campaign (Wieden + Kennedy), coupled with the “Wild” movie locations tie-in, increased Oregon’s tourism “by nearly 10 percent growth in statewide lodging revenue in 2014 over 2013, an increase of more than 120,000 social media followers, and a record number of unique visitors to its website”.*  Travel Oregon partnered with Oregon Film on three distinct aspects of the “Wild” journey;

  1. the Los Angeles  premiere,
  2. the five screenings around the state, and
  3. the Fox Searchlight prize promotion (that promoted the movie’s release, as well as put a nationwide, and international spotlight on the state).
Continue reading... ““Seven Wonders” Campaign + Film Tourism – Has Affected Increased Visitors To Oregon”

“Wild” and “The Boxtrolls” At Oscars 2015

Photo appeared on Reese Witherspoon's Facebook page
Photo appeared on Reese Witherspoon’s Facebook page

At Oscars 2015 the 87th Academy Awards Witherspoon was nominated for Best Actress in “Wild”, and Dern for Best Supporting Actress, and Laika’s the “The Boxtrolls” for Best Animated Feature.  Although Oscar eluded Oregon projects this time, to stand with their equally talented fellow nominees was impressive.  Congrats! Continue reading... ““Wild” and “The Boxtrolls” At Oscars 2015”

Oregon Film Office and Local Scouts Get LMGA Award Nominations


The Second Annual Location Managers Guild of America (LMGA) Awards announced the finalists this week.  The Oregon Governor’s Office of Film & Television, as well as local scouts, Crofton Diack, Mike Floyd, Alissa Desler and Lori Allen have been nominated for consideration for  Location Managers Guild of America  Awards.  Oregon Film for the “exemplary work on WILD“, Diack and Floyd for Outstanding Locations in a Single Commercial (Nissan Altima, “Migration” – see below)[youtube]http://youtu.be/nlUDk2qkV5I[/youtube] and Desler and Allen for Outstanding Locations in a Commercial Campaign  (Subaru Outback). Continue reading... “Oregon Film Office and Local Scouts Get LMGA Award Nominations”

The Oregon Film Annual Governor’s Awards

Gordon Sondland, Governor Kitzhaber, Cheryl Strayed, Russell Hornsby (photo: Kim Oanh Nguyen)
Gordon Sondland, Governor Kitzhaber, Cheryl Strayed, Russell Hornsby (photo: Kim Oanh Nguyen)

There was a big turnout at the Eastside Exchange Ballroom last night for the Oregon Film’s Annual Governor’s Awards. Kicking off the event was Gordon Sondland (Oregon Film Board Chair, founder and chairman of Provenance Hotels, and co-founder of the merchant bank Aspen Capital) who introduced the evening and then actor Russell Hornsby (“Grimm“), who then declared himself now a Portland local! (“Grimm” is now shooting season 4 in the Portland Metro area).   Continue reading... “The Oregon Film Annual Governor’s Awards”

Governor’s Office of Film & Television Nominated For LMGA Award For Work On “Wild”

LMGAThe Oregon Governor’s Office of Film & Television (AKA The Oregon Film Office) has been nominated for consideration for a Location Managers Guild of America  Award for “exemplary work on WILD“.  Winners will be chosen after a vote from active and retired members of the LMGA the finalists were announced January 27th, with final balloting of the nominees taking place February 6th.  The second Annual Awards Show will be help in Los Angeles on March 7th.

More Oregon locations were used on “Wild” than any other production shot in Oregon to date.  Continue reading... “Governor’s Office of Film & Television Nominated For LMGA Award For Work On “Wild””