Oregon Film Office and Local Scouts Get LMGA Award Nominations


The Second Annual Location Managers Guild of America (LMGA) Awards announced the finalists this week.  The Oregon Governor’s Office of Film & Television, as well as local scouts, Crofton Diack, Mike Floyd, Alissa Desler and Lori Allen have been nominated for consideration for  Location Managers Guild of America  Awards.  Oregon Film for the “exemplary work on WILD“, Diack and Floyd for Outstanding Locations in a Single Commercial (Nissan Altima, “Migration” – see below)[youtube]http://youtu.be/nlUDk2qkV5I[/youtube] and Desler and Allen for Outstanding Locations in a Commercial Campaign  (Subaru Outback). Continue reading... “Oregon Film Office and Local Scouts Get LMGA Award Nominations”

Governor’s Office of Film & Television Nominated For LMGA Award For Work On “Wild”

LMGAThe Oregon Governor’s Office of Film & Television (AKA The Oregon Film Office) has been nominated for consideration for a Location Managers Guild of America  Award for “exemplary work on WILD“.  Winners will be chosen after a vote from active and retired members of the LMGA the finalists were announced January 27th, with final balloting of the nominees taking place February 6th.  The second Annual Awards Show will be help in Los Angeles on March 7th.

More Oregon locations were used on “Wild” than any other production shot in Oregon to date.  Continue reading... “Governor’s Office of Film & Television Nominated For LMGA Award For Work On “Wild””