Oregon’s International Bohemian Film Festival Announces ‘Big Sonia’ as Grand Prize Winner

Cottage Grove

The winning filmmaker, Leah Warshawski and her Oregon-raised animator, Dawn Norton, received a $3,000 grand prize as the Best Film. The winner aims to take the proceeds to launch high school curricula about overcoming the obstacles of our past and becoming stronger.

COTTAGE GROVE, ORE., 18 AUGUST 2018 – “Big Sonia” won the overall $3,000 Grand Prize at this weekend’s inaugural Bohemian Film Festival. The film – featuring 90-year-old Holocaust survivor who still goes to work everyday and stays busy so she “doesn’t have to think about it” – explores what it means to be a survivor, how this affects families and generations, and how trauma might define each of us.  Continue reading... “Oregon’s International Bohemian Film Festival Announces ‘Big Sonia’ as Grand Prize Winner”

Animal House 40th Anniversary Celebration – Save the Date!

We are excited to be a part of a celebration coming to Cottage Grove this August in honor of the dishonor that was “Animal House.” The Eugene and Cottage Grove shot film was released in the summer of 1978 and it is time to get together and have a massive Food Fight, Toga Party and put ourselves on Double Secret Probation – what else is summer for?

Check out the poster below for more details and like the event’s Facebook Page to be in the in Double Secret loop. Continue reading... “Animal House 40th Anniversary Celebration – Save the Date!”

Celebrate Animal House with The Kingsmen, Otis Day, and The House, October 30th

Animal House Travels to Portland
Animal House travels to Portland: Pieces of and set items from the original animal house are reassembled in celebration of the collegial Oregon comedy

Original Cast and Crew from the movie Animal House reprise items from the Cottage Grove and Eugene sets of the infamous #OregonMade movie for a historic celebration of an Oregon film on Sunday, October 30, 2016. A 5pm VIP Reception is followed by a 6pm concert and celebration at The Exchange Ballroom (123 NE 3rd Avenue, Portland, Oregon). Continue reading... “Celebrate Animal House with The Kingsmen, Otis Day, and The House, October 30th”

#OregonMadeShows Exhibit Opens At PDX

#OregonMadeShows Exibit

In collaboration with PDXART, and many other partners (please see list below) a new exhibit is up on Concourse E, at the Portland International Airport this week.  The exhibit showcases “vignettes” of artifacts, props and images from just a few of the 400+ feature films & television shows that have utilized Oregon as their production backdrop over the years.  From the early silent era films like “Fisherman’s Bride” (shot in Astoria, 1908), to “Grimm”, the popular NBC television series currently shooting in Portland, Oregon has played an important role in production. Continue reading... “#OregonMadeShows Exhibit Opens At PDX”

Nike and U of O Create Parody Of “Animal House”


Nike has released a video parody of the (in)famous toga scene from “Animal House” (originally shot on the University of Oregon campus in 1978) that showcases a collection of athletes and U of O VIP’s dancing to Otis Day and the Knights’ “Shout”.  It’s fun to see the lines between a classic film and such sporting legends blur.  Read Oustide’s article here. Continue reading... “Nike and U of O Create Parody Of “Animal House””