Oregon Shines In The New Rivian Electric Pickup Truck Commercial – “The Clean Escape”


#OregonMade, “The Clean Escape” makes the state shine in the new Rivian electric pickup truck commercial.  From the Astoria-Megler bridge to the Pearl in downtown Portland, Mount Hood, the Rowena curves, and back out to the beach – just some of the locations covered in this one.  The Rivian is billed as the “Worlds First Electric Adventure Vehicle”. When asked about working on the shoot, Location Scout and Manager, Beth Melnick responded,  “It was inspiring to work on a commercial promoting clean technology that supports our number one pass-time here in Oregon, exploring the out of doors. Continue reading... “Oregon Shines In The New Rivian Electric Pickup Truck Commercial – “The Clean Escape””

TNT and Electrics’, “The Librarians” Opened Strong

TNT's "The Librarians"
TNT’s “The Librarians”

TNT’s new drama series, “The Librarians”, (a follow up to the movie trilogy, “The Librarian”) delivered 5.4 million viewers for the two hour premiere in December. TNT and Dean Devlin’s Electric Entertainment are no strangers to Oregon, having shot all but one season of “Leverage” here.  Many locations in the Portland metro area, Clackamas county and even the Captiol building in Salem were used in season one.

Rebecca Romijn (“X-Men”) star, along with Noah Wyle (“ER”, “Falling Skies”), Christian Kane (“Leverage”) and Lindy Booth (“Dawn of the Dead”, “The Philanthropist”). Continue reading... “TNT and Electrics’, “The Librarians” Opened Strong”

Great video from “Leverage’s” Electric Entertainment showing off Oregon


At last night’s annual meeting we showed off a collection of videos prior to the meeting.  Many people were making their way into the room and may have missed this fantastic video that our friends from Electric Entertainment created.  We’ve been looking for a fresh way to show off the variety of locations in the area and what better way than to see the locations they way they were shot on “Leverage”?  We can’t wait to see what they will shoot next year when they are actually supposed to be in Portland (as was announced last night).  Continue reading... “Great video from “Leverage’s” Electric Entertainment showing off Oregon”

Gearhead Hosts New Classes

Gearhead Grip & Electric is hosting two new classes in November & December. Signup via the embedded Eventbrite links  below.

Intermediate Grip & Electric

This 6-week class is on Thursdays, starting Thursday NOV 7th until Thursday DEC 19, 6:00pm – 9:00pm. NO CLASS THANKSGIVING

In this course you will continue to develop your lighting and grip skills through lectures and hands-on workshops. Our experienced instructor will guide you through as you continue to develop techniques to feel confident on set. This class will go deeper into the specialized tools of the Grip and Electric departments. Continue reading... “Gearhead Hosts New Classes”

Cars In Movies Are More Than Just Props

Audi e-tron GT

Cars are a part of our everyday lives, so they naturally make their way onto the big screen. Here, they serve not only as a means of transportation for the characters brought to life by various actors but also as an advertisement for the automakers who often generally pay for the honor or sometimes donate high-value vehicles. More often than not, these cars are not even the star of the show, such as the BMW E90 3 Series, which has featured in the background of Iron Man 2 and Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol on the silver screen and Orange is the new Black and House of Cards on television. Continue reading... “Cars In Movies Are More Than Just Props”

“Any Oregon Sunday” – 3 Oregon Womens’ Extreme Motocross Adventures!

The winners of the third annual Outdoor Adventure Film Grant – “Oregon’s Outdoors Are For Everyone” – recently presented their winning project “Any Oregon Sunday.”

The Winning Team: Kanani Koster, Janie Faison, and Tiffany Lindquist – all based in Portland, OR, and dedicated to telling “diverse and authentic stories that are created by a majority of women and POC-identifying locally-sourced cast and crew” put together this inspiring and uplifting documentary project portraying Adventure MotorSports in Oregon, specifically told through the lens of diverse women riders. Continue reading... ““Any Oregon Sunday” – 3 Oregon Womens’ Extreme Motocross Adventures!”

Filming “Crossing Shaky Ground”

Sean McCarty hitches a ride.

During a business retreat, an epic earthquake hits Astoria Oregon, forcing Aaron (Sean McCarty) to set out on foot to reach home, unsure if he’ll survive the 725 mile journey and what he’ll find at the end.This year I’m releasing the most controversial feature film I’ve ever made, a movie that will probably make my broad-minded friends and family cringe because it refutes everything we believe about how to help less-educated, economically-challenged rural Americans. My intention with the film isn’t to anger the audience; it’s to help people from my cultural background understand why people vote against their best interests. Continue reading... “Filming “Crossing Shaky Ground””

Adventures On Set – Bruce Lawson On “Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey”

Bruce Lawson, at the summit of Mount Howard with the canine co-stars of “Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey” – “Shadow” and “Chance.”

Disney’s, “Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey” has become a solid family favorite – it tells the story of three pets, two dogs and cat, “Shadow”, “Chance” and “Sassy,” who escape from a California ranch and travel together for miles over rough terrain in order to find their owners who had recently moved to San Francisco. Production started in 1992 and this feature shot most of its scenes at locations such as; Joseph, Eagle Cap, the Deschutes River, the Gorge, Portland and Central Oregon among others – all doing an admirable job standing in for the California Sierras and San Fransico. Continue reading... “Adventures On Set – Bruce Lawson On “Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey””

Outdoor Adventure Film Grant 2020 – Winning Team At Work

The third annual Outdoor Adventure Film Grant – “Oregon’s Outdoors Are For Everyone” (OAFG20) announces the winning application – “On Any Oregon Sunday.”

Despite the current, global situation with the advance of Covid-19, we feel good about being able to award this grant to a small team of independent filmmakers, Kanani Koster, Janie Faison and Tiffany Lindquist, as in a small way it is helping enable this winning team to be able to work on this worthwhile project. Continue reading... “Outdoor Adventure Film Grant 2020 – Winning Team At Work”

The Real Cost of a Sub-$800 Oregon-Made 30-Minute Independent Dark Comedy


As I typed the first lines of our script, I knew there would be challenges beyond the technical but didn’t care. After leaving a six-year marriage & suffering from an annihilated heart as well as all the near-death experiences — imagined & real — that accompany rediscovering oneself at 35, there wasn’t much else to lose. I committed to sharing the cinematic dream at all costs. In terms of money, it cost somewhere around $800.

The most expensive line item for the film was an electric hot dog cart ($380 including bottles for ketchup & mustard). Continue reading... “The Real Cost of a Sub-$800 Oregon-Made 30-Minute Independent Dark Comedy”