“Portlandia” Wraps After 8 Successful Seasons – Celebration And Plaque Dedication For City Hall

A celebration of Cast and Crew, gathered at Arbor Lodge Park today. Cast, Crew, Producers, and city officials gathered to celebrate 8 successful seasons of IFC’s and Broadway Video’s “Portlandia” shooting in Portland. The unveiling and dedication of a “Portlandia” plaque was then gifted to City Hall. The plaque will be placed near a specially commissioned “put a bird on it” bench on the third floor of Portland City Hall, outside the Mayor’s office. Continue reading... ““Portlandia” Wraps After 8 Successful Seasons – Celebration And Plaque Dedication For City Hall”

Oregon Film + Technology Association Of Oregon – Winter Open House Dec 15th

screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-3-06-20-pmOregon Film and the Technology Association of Oregon, invite you to an evening of hors d’oeuvres , drinks and merriment at a Winter Open House in our shared offices at the Eastside Exchange.

Join staff, filmmakers, production personnel, and local tech innovators as we raise a glass to the 2016 achievements of Oregon’s production and technology industries!

screen-shot-2016-11-30-at-2-47-00-pmEnter the winter raffle for prizes from these awesome companies:
AC Hotel Marriott, Atlas Cider Company, Belmont Coffee Service, Centrl Office , ClientJoy, Danner Boots, Health-Ade Kombucha,
Knot Springs, Hotel Eastlund,Hotel Lucia, Hotel Modera,
TriBella, Vance Family Soy Candles


Oregon Film & Technology Association of Oregon

or on Facebook

Thursday, December 15, 2016 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM (PST)

Parking is available in the Eastside Exchange lot (NE 2nd Avenue) at 5:30 pm. 

Continue reading... “Oregon Film + Technology Association Of Oregon – Winter Open House Dec 15th”