Did you know over 100 million people a year are inspired to travel by movies and TV?
Our Oregon Film Trail partner, and Seattle company, SetJetters, has already built the app for this kind of “Film Tourism”! SetJetters has digitized an $8 billion dollar tourism industry and put it all in one place.
Of the five major broadcast television networks’ 23 new one-hour dramas offered up last year, only two were filmed in Hollywood. State tax incentives from outside California have successfully lured many productions to other economies, and created a growing market for a variety of property owners in Oregon as location providers. Indicating the extent to which films are made outside the confines of studio lots in America, about five years ago- when California still commanded the lion’s share of the film location market -Los Angeles County issued permits for over 30,000 film location days, with about 75% of Southern California’s location filming shooting in private residences. Continue reading... “Tips For Renting Your ‘Hot Property’ As A Film Location”