Inaugural “Portland Circuit” Collaboration Began With Sold Out Theatre!

Photo: Breaking Glass PicturesTHE PORTLAND CIRCUIT:

The#OregonMade Creative Foundation alongside the Northwest Film Center, the Hollywood Theatre, the Clinton Street Theater, and Cinema 21 announce the first film selected for a unique theatrical distribution program for locally produced feature films.

The Portland Circuit, a collaboration between the #OregonMade Creative Foundation, the Northwest Film Center, the Hollywood Theatre, the Clinton St. Theater, and Cinema 21, has been created to provide a local theatrical run for #OregonMade feature films. Continue reading... “Inaugural “Portland Circuit” Collaboration Began With Sold Out Theatre!”

Spotlight On Location Professional – Mike Floyd

Mike Floyd on Mount Hood: Photo by Rob Jenkins
The stunning landscapes of Oregon have been a great inspiration for the past 25 years.  I have been exploring and photographing around Oregon and the NW since 1993.  
After graduating from photo school at the Rochester Institute of Technology and a couple years as the park photographer for Yosemite National Park, I found my way to Portland and have been loving it ever since.
Several years as a photo assistant and photographer gave me the experience to know what a crew may need from a location, and what may go wrong once the crew is on site. 
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Spotlight On Location Professional – Bobby Warberg

Bobby Warberg on top of Mount Hood

When I was 14 years old I answered our home phone and there was a man on the line that said he was looking for old cars to use in a new movie called, “Animal House”. I told him that my mom has an old car. The next thing I knew my mom and I found ourselves at the Dexter Lake Club for 2 nights of filming on the set of “Animal House”. Continue reading... “Spotlight On Location Professional – Bobby Warberg”

Spotlight On Location Professional – Roger Faires

Roger Faires in the high desert of Oregon scouting for ” Meek’s Cutoff.” Photography by Simon Max Hill

Spotlight on Roger Faires – Location Scout and Manager.

We caught up with Roger scouting a feature out in the field and asked him how he feels about living and working in Oregon. “I’ve been doing this long enough to not be surprised; about 31 years. Yet here in Oregon, I get surprised. Still. About once a project. Sometimes more. This is no one-trick pony state. Continue reading... “Spotlight On Location Professional – Roger Faires”

An Evening with Lower Boom

Alysse Fozmark in “Bringing Up Baby” premiering Dec. 19th at Dig a Pony.

2017 wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns, that’s for sure.

Nevertheless! Lower Boom did have a year filled with exciting projects, new partnerships and community support.

As we head into 2018, we’d like to invite you to come down to Lower Boom World Headquarters, (Dig a Pony!), and check out what we did in 2017, and hear about our plans for 2018.

Tuesday, December 19th
6 pm – 9 pm.
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Spotlight On Location Scout – Brian McElroy

“A Haunting At Silver Falls 2” at Linfield College (photo: Brian McElroy)

Brian McElroy has been working in location management for over two decades and has had an interesting career path that ultimately led him to Oregon.  We caught up with him after he had finished working on “Woodstock or Bust” – an indy film written and directed by Leslie Bloom, a Lake Oswego native.

Brian started in location management in LA where he worked on shows like “Beverly Hills 90210” and “Melrose Place”.  Continue reading... “Spotlight On Location Scout – Brian McElroy”

Raiders of the Lost Archive: Movie Madness – SAVED! But there’s more work to be done …

This week we go to the most local, most extensive VHS/DVD archive we have (although if you ever have a chance to look into the film and video archives that the Oregon Historical Society has, that’s just as great, but in a uniquely different way) – Portland’s own Movie Madness. As some of you may know, The Hollywood Theatre is currently in the midst of a Kickstarter Campaign to “save” Movie Madness – but they’ve blown past the “saving” and are now looking to “enhance.” Continue reading... “Raiders of the Lost Archive: Movie Madness – SAVED! But there’s more work to be done …”

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARCHIVE: Unhinged (Don Gronquist, 1982)

Continuing on under the sub-heading “Hooray for Horregon,” our intrepid Raider/Contributor leads us up to the top of the SW Hills over Portland to celebrate an #OregonMade Filmmaker who the Willamette Week called “Portland’s most important forgotten filmmaker:” Don Gonquist.

The trailer pretty much sets the tone from there. “It began as an idyllic outing….”

On a clear day you can see for miles, or on the darkest night you can encounter Hitchcock-esque dysfuntionality in a true 80’s fashion. Scream-like slasher rules apply. Continue reading... “RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARCHIVE: Unhinged (Don Gronquist, 1982)”

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARCHIVE: Cthulhu (Daniel Gildark, 2007)

Under the sub-heading of “Hooray for Horregon!” Raider/Contributor Phil Oppenheim descends into the historical depths of the genre and unearths H.P. Lovecraftian tales featuring the haunting and often horrific Oregon Coast where none-other-than Tori Spelling emerges as a seductress from the sea to summon the all-powerful Cthulhu to River Mouth (nee Astoria) shores.

Diminutive armies of rotting zombies, blood-thirsty vampires, Wonder Women, Harley Quinns, Pikachus, and fairy princess are preparing to storm the sidewalks, assault our homes, and demand we relinquish our candy corn and Swedish Fish or suffer the consequences. Continue reading... “RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARCHIVE: Cthulhu (Daniel Gildark, 2007)”

RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARCHIVE: The Possessed (Jerry Thorpe, 1977)

This week’s trek into Oregon’s dark and eclectic cinematic woods marks a (literal) transition from “Back to School” to a month of horror themed posts leading up to Halloween. Raider/Contributor Phil Oppenheim is calling this slashy little sub-series “Horregon.” In this installment, we find ourselves with not only a pre-Star Wars (post-American Graffiti) Harrison Ford but also a pre-Stripes (post-Carrie) PJ Soles skulking around a dimly lit (and therefore mostly unidentified) Reed College campus trying to soak up some of the devil’s blood left behind in the boffo box office red wake of The Exorcist. Continue reading... “RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARCHIVE: The Possessed (Jerry Thorpe, 1977)”