In our Monthly Film Series, we will show a variety of German language films – from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. On the 2nd Tuesday of each month, audiences will now have a chance to see these films on a regular basis at the CLINTON STREET THEATER. (Children movies will be playing on Sunday afternoons – please check our website.) All films are with English subtitles.
In our Monthly Film Series, we will show a variety of GERMAN or GERMAN language films from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. On the 2nd Tuesday of each month, audiences will now have a chance to see these films on a regular basis at the CLINTON STREET THEATER. (Children’s movies will be playing on Sunday afternoons – please check our website.) All films are with English subtitles.
In our Monthly Film Series, we will show a variety of GERMAN or GERMAN language films from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. On the 2nd Tuesday of each month, audiences will now have a chance to see these films on a regular basis at the CLINTON STREET THEATER. (Children’s movies will be playing on Sunday afternoons – please check our website.) All films are with English subtitles.