Soma Games LLC is an indie video game developer located in Newberg, Oregon. We believe video games can be far more than time-wasters. Video games hold the potential to showcase beauty, reward adventure and excellence, and challenge thinking. Our goal is to passionately and dutifully craft the games that elevate humanity rather than waste it.
Amy Rose Lowery is one of two full-time writers who works for Soma Games. While many ask people who work at Soma Games how they got their job, Amy’s story is one of my favorites. Continue reading... “Soma Games Staff Bio – Amy Rose Lowery”
Soma Games LLC is an indie video game developer located in Newberg, Oregon. We believe video games can be far more than time-wasters. Video games hold the potential to showcase beauty, reward adventure and excellence, and challenge thinking. Our goal is to passionately and dutifully craft the games that elevate humanity rather than waste it.
Erin Marantette is currently the Art Director for our Lost Legends of Redwall™ project, the multi-game project that’s had our studio’s primary focus for nearly four years. Continue reading... “Soma Games Staff Bio – Erin Marantette”
Soma Games LLC is an indie video game developer located in Newberg, Oregon. We believe video games can be far more than time-wasters. Video games hold the potential to showcase beauty, reward adventure and excellence, and challenge thinking. Our goal is to passionately and dutifully craft the games that elevate humanity rather than waste it. To learn more, check out our website.
Well-seasoned with sass and spunk, Sammi infuses fun and joy into whatever she does. Her current title is “level designer,” but her roles have ranged from a research intern to a puzzle wizard since she started in 2017. Continue reading... “Soma Games Staff Bio – Level Designer Sammi Riff”

Soma Games LLC is an indie video game developer located in Newberg, Oregon. We believe video games can be far more than time-wasters. Video games hold the potential to showcase beauty, reward adventure and excellence, and challenge thinking. Our goal is to passionately and dutifully craft the games that elevate humanity rather than waste it. To learn more, check out our
James is likely the loudest person on our team. He isn’t loud himself, but as our sound designer, composer, and all-around audio guy, he makes a lot of noise. Continue reading... “Soma Games Staff Bio – Sound Designer James Marantette”
It’s here! Wind Up Robots Classic is now available wherever mobile apps are sold. Available for both android and Apple devices, it has something for everyone, which is why we’ve decided to make the game available again. If you’d like, check out our video game trailer.
We think you’ll enjoy the game if you like any of the following:
- Strategy
- Tactical analysis
- Cute characters
- Fun, upbeat music
- Robots
- Dinosaurs
- Monsters
- Treasure to buy rewards (must-have robot fedora, anyone?)
- Coupons and discounts to establishments local to YOU (with opt-in JoyMonster plugin)
If you decide to play and love it, we’d really appreciate a review. Continue reading... “New Mobile Game from Soma Games: Wind Up Robots Classic”

In just a couple of days, Wind Up Robots Classic will be available for any mobile Apple or Android device. This is an updated release of one of our first mobile games.
Back in 2011, Wind Up Robots was the second game Soma Games published. The basic story is that a kid named Zach is understandably afraid of the dark. His grandfather, both a veteran and inventor, creates small robots to protect Zach while he sleeps. It’s y-o-u-r job to direct the robots and make sure they attack the monsters before they attack Zach’s dreams. Continue reading... “Soma Games Releases Game “Wind Up Robots Classic””
Soma Games LLC is an indie video game developer located in Newberg, Oregon. We believe video games can be far more than time-wasters. Video games hold the potential to showcase beauty, reward adventure and excellence, and challenge thinking. Our goal is to passionately and dutifully craft the games that elevate humanity rather than waste it. To learn more, check out our website.
Brandon is one of our level designers — he self-describes his job as, “to find the fun and be the player’s advocate.”
Continue reading... “Soma Games Staff Bio – Level Designer Brandon Simonds”