New and Improved “Roads of Oregon” Website Goes Live Today

How many times over the past few years have you seen a road in Oregon featured in a car commercial?  The truth is that car commercials are filmed in our state quite a few more times than you would think.  For that reason we created a “Roads of Oregon” micro-site featuring photos of roads across the state a few years ago.  Today we are unveiling a new and improved site with more photos, higher quality images and a new interface that also organizes the roads by region.  Continue reading... “New and Improved “Roads of Oregon” Website Goes Live Today”

Audi Commercial Shot In Oregon Drives Controversy


You only need to glance at the comments posted on this YouTube clip to see how this particular commercial, showing off the new Audi A6, has people fired up!  But non-the-less, we like car commercials and we have many shooting here to know!  They often have healthy budgets and of course, provide local jobs.  We make an effort to promote the versatile roads of Oregon and in some ways it’s not that difficult; beautiful high desert, mountains, beaches, urban scenes, small towns and an easy distance between them.  Continue reading... “Audi Commercial Shot In Oregon Drives Controversy”