(Eugene, OR.) Eugene’s Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA) announces its tenth annual OpenLens Short Film Competition. This event provides an opportunity for Oregon resident filmmakers to showcase their short films of 15 minutes or less in a competitive event. The festival screening and awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, February 1st. Submission deadline: Friday, December 6, 2013. Entry details online: http://openlens.proscenia.net/
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RESERVE THIS DATE – SATURDAY, JANUARY 26TH! The Ninth Annual OpenLens Festival is a celebration of the independent spirit in Oregon filmmaking. This year’s event features a film critic seminar, a meet-the-filmmaker public reception, film screenings, and a closing reception and awards ceremony. The Saturday, January 26th Festival will be held in the UO Baker Center Auditorium at 320 E. 10th Street in Eugene.
This is the third year the Short Film/Video Competition has accepted films from across the entire state of Oregon.
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(Eugene, OR) The deadline nears for submitting entries in the 2013 OpenLens Festival hosted by the Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA) in Eugene. The Festival seeks submissions by Oregon filmmakers for its ninth annual celebration of the short film genre to be held on Saturday January 26th, 2013. Prizes include: $500 Jury Award, $200 Jury Honorable Mention, and $100 Audience Choice Award. Submissions are limited to 15 minutes with films 10 minutes or less preferred.Oregon filmmakers are encouraged to submit their best work to what has become Eugene’s premier winter film festival. Continue reading... “2013 OpenLens Festival Deadline – December 7th”
(Eugene, Oregon) The 2013 OpenLens Festival seeks submissions by Oregon filmmakers for its ninth annual celebration of the short film genre to be held in Eugene late January 2013. Prizes include: $500 Jury Award, $200 Jury Honorable Mention, and $100 Audience Choice Award. Submissions are limited to 15 minutes with films 10 minutes or less preferred.
Oregon resident filmmakers are encouraged to submit their best work to what has become Eugene’s premier winter film festival hosted by the Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA). Continue reading... “Call for film submissions: 2013 OpenLens Festival”
DIVA’s Youth Visions’ program announced the 2012 Teen Video Challenge Competition winners with a screening and awards ceremony on Saturday, April 14th at the Bijou Theater in Eugene.
The festival’s Jury was please to recognize two first place winning videos this year. Festival Director Steve Newcomb made the awards before a packed theater.
South Eugene High School student Jordyn Roach won a $200 Jury First Place award for her claymation film Jovial Giraffes – a short video in which inanimate objects spring to life from a young boy’s sketchpad. Continue reading... “Teen Video Challenge Competition Awards Announced”
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Time: 11:00 AM
Admission: Free
Bijou Art Cinemas – 429 E. 13th Ave. Eugene
DIVAs Youth Visions program is pleased to host the 2012 Teen Video Challenge Competition with a screening of entries and winning videos. Each year teens from all over Lane County submit work that is reviewed by a panel of video professionals and educators. Winning videos will be awarded certificates and cash prizes at this years event. This year 16 videos representing a wide range of film themes will be screened and include animation, documentary, music video, and narrative film categories. Continue reading... “Teen Video Challenge – Eugene”
Eugene, OR. DIVA’s Youth Visions’ program is now accepting 5-minute videos, or shorter, produced by Lane County youth ages 13-19 for its 2012 Teen Video Challenge Festival. The submission deadline is March 2, 2012.
Each year teens from all over Lane County submit work that is reviewed by a panel of video professionals and educators. Winning videos will be awarded cash prizes at this year’s event on Saturday, April 14th at the Bijou Cinema Arts Theater in Eugene.
The Teen Video Challenge is funded in part by grants from the Oregon Media Production Association and the Lane Arts Council. Continue reading... “Call for Entries: Lane County Teen Video Makers”
(Eugene, Oregon) The eighth annual OpenLens Festival 2012, celebrating Oregon’s independent filmmaking spirit, has announced this year’s juried selection of films that will be screened at 7:30 pm on Saturday, January 28th at the UO Baker Center Auditorium at 325 E. 10th Street in Eugene. Admission: $8.00. The festival is hosted by DIVA (The Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts)
The screening is followed by a public reception and awards ceremony in which the Jury Best Of Show ($500), Jury Honorable Mention ($250), and Audience and Choice Award ($100) are made. Continue reading... “Open Lens Announces Selection of Films”
Eugene, OR. Friday, December 2nd is the deadline for submitting entries to the 8th Annual OpenLens Festival 2012. This year’s festival has two categories. The short film competition is for productions of 15 minutes or less in length. The screen writing competition welcomes film scripts of 15 pages or less with an emphasis on the short narrative film genre. Entries for both must be received by DIVA by 5PM on December 2nd. Full details available at: http://openlens.proscenia.net/ Continue reading... “OpenLens Festival Deadline December 2nd”
Eugene, OR. The eighth annual OpenLens Festival is pleased to announce the addition of a scriptwriting competition for 2012. Rubicon Film Productions Ltd., a Eugene based company, is sponsoring a special $250 best screenplay prize for a short narrative film. Submitted scripts of 15 pages or less will be accepted. This competition is open to both those Oregon filmmakers entering the OpenLens film competition and screenwriters whose scripts have not yet been produced. The deadline for submissions is 5PM Friday, December 2nd. Continue reading... “OpenLens Festival adds Screenwriting Competition”