Ready, Set, LAUNCH!
We are looking for storytellers for the LAUNCH Student Film Competition with short films that are innovative, creative, original, inspiring, relevant, compelling, entertaining, thought-provoking, funny, and unique.
Do you have a great story to share? Here’s what you need to know:
- No entry fee—it’s FREE!
- Films need to be 5 minutes or under.
- Genres include animation, claymation, documentary, or narrative—it’s up to you!
- Five categories: grades K-5, 6-8, 9-12, college undergrads, and PridePrize.
- Winners receive CASH prizes!
Continue reading... “Ashland Independent Film Festival ~ LAUNCH Student Film Competition 2016”
Following the successful effort to create a voice for the Oregon Film and Television community in the Oregon Confluence Blog, we recently convened a group of Oregon animation and visual effects professionals that we know, and asked them how a site dedicated to their segment of the industry might be received. After lots of lively conversation and great ideas, it became clear that there was great interest, and that it would be very helpful for drawing attention to the fact that Oregon has more than just great locations, amazing acting and crew talent, and not to mention, a terrific film incentive program. Continue reading... “OregonAnimation.com blog premieres today, come help us celebrate”
We are pleased to announce that Portland-based start-up MDiTV has officially launched!
The MDiTV website is live and fully operational. On it you can watch our first week of news stories and several previews of our upcoming programs. A key feature on the site is the “Read Article” option. This allows you to read the news article that each news cast is based on. In this article, you will find additional information and the sources that the facts are based on. Continue reading... “MDiTV Launches First Comprehensive Medical News Network”