This year’s grant is seeking to invite filmmakers to explore the “Nature Gap” – the term that describes the uneven and inequitable access to wild, outdoor spaces in America.
Natural space is supposed to be free and accessible for everyone, but in reality, it is not apportioned equally to all races, ages, genders, or income groups.
Attention local filmmakers: The Portland Film Office is happy to announce a Post Production Grant opportunity is opening March 15. Applications will be accepted until March 30.
The Portland Film Office, in partnership with Travel Portland, is proud to offer a grant opportunity for Oregon-based independent film productions to support and offset the cost of the post-production process.
The first phase of applications for Business Oregon’s ARPA Live Event Recovery grant program will go live next Monday, January 24, at 8 am.
The Small and Independent Community Movie Theaters Program is administered by Business Oregon, the state’s economic development agency. Business Oregon has been allocated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds for the purpose of supporting small and independent community movie theaters negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program will provide up to $5 million in grant assistance to qualifying movie theaters that have experienced or are experiencing financial hardships directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Oregon’s open spaces and outdoor pursuits are for all Americans and visitors, yet there is a well-documented inequity in America that is deeply rooted in our shared cultural history, and as a whole, our outdoor spaces are not equally utilized for a multitude of historical, social and cultural reasons. The Outdoor Adventure Film Grant ’21 (OAFG21) aims to help support and amplify stories and storytellers (both in front of and behind the camera) utilizing Oregon’s outdoor spaces as a backdrop. Continue reading... “Applications Are Now Being Accepted For The 4th Oregon Made Film Grant – “OAFG21””
With over 38,000 farms in Oregon, both large and small, growing more than 250 products from wheat and beef, to salmon and berries, there are many delicious reasons to make a stop somewhere on the road from the farm to the market. In fact, Oregon is the number one U.S. producer of; blackberries, hazelnuts, peppermint, cranberries, rhubarb, grass seed, florist azaleas and Christmas trees. Continue reading... ““Food Stories” Grant Open For Applications Beginning September 16th”
The $15,000 “Winter Season Grant” is being provided by the OregonMade Creative Foundation and in conjunction with Travel Oregon to create a short film series of moving “postcard stories” that will captivate and encourage people to experience the winter season for themselves. The purpose of this grant is to support local content creators who are producing high-quality, innovative multimedia content about Oregon that inspires travel to or around the state.