Director Asher Jelinsky took home the juried and audience awards for Best Narrative Short for their film Miller & Son. Photo by Kyle Asher, courtesy of the Ashland Independent Film Festival
ASHLAND, Ore. – The Ashland Independent Film Festival (AIFF) wrapped its 18th annual edition, which ran April 11-15, 2019, screening over 150 films to audiences of over 17,000. On April 14 at its Awards Night celebration, the juried and audience award-winning films were announced.
The Ashland Independent Film Festival has announced its lineup for the eighteenth annual festival, April 11-15, 2019, screening in venues across Ashland. The year’s selections include over 150 films chosen from more than eight hundred submitted to the festival, or specially selected by AIFF Artistic and Executive Director Richard Herskowitz. The entire program, including information about show times, live performances, art exhibits, filmmaker TalkBack panels, children’s programs, and more is now online at Continue reading... “Ashland Independent Film Festival Unveils Complete 2019 Program Details”
The Ashland Independent Film Festival has unveiled ten film selections from its 18th annual edition. The full line-up will be released at Festival Preview Night, to be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20 at the SOU Music Recital Hall in Ashland. Heading the list of early highlights is the world premiere of Ashland filmmakers Gary and Annie Lundgren’s Phoenix, Oregon, starring James Le Gros and Jesse Borrego as two friends who, defying midlife haze, seize an unlikely opportunity to reinvent their lives, quitting their jobs to restore an old bowling alley and serve the “world’s greatest pizza.” Continue reading... “Ashland Independent Film Festival To Announce Full Line-Up At Festival Preview Night & Offers A Sneak Peek At 10 Highlights”
The 17th Annual Ashland Independent Film Festival runs April 12-16, 2018. photo by Al Case
The Ashland Independent Film Festival has announced its lineup for the five-day festival, April 12-16, 2018, screening in venues across Ashland and—for the first time—Medford. The year’s lineup includes over 120 films chosen from nearly a thousand films submitted to the festival, or specially selected by AIFF Artistic and Executive Director Richard Herskowitz. The entire program, including information about show times, live performances, art exhibits, filmmaker TalkBack panels, children’s programs, Community Conversations, and more is now online at ashlandfilm.orgContinue reading... “Ashland Independent Film Festival Announces 2018 Program Details”
Adapted by Ian McEwan from his bestselling novel, ON CHESIL BEACH centers on a young couple of drastically different backgrounds in the summer of 1962. Photo courtesy of the Ashland Independent Film Festival.
The Ashland Independent Film Festival has assembled an intriguing and illuminating array of international independent films for the 28th annual Varsity World Film Week running October 6 through October 13 at the Varsity Theatre in downtown Ashland. The 13 films selected represent 23 countries, including Canada, Colombia, Lebanon, France, Thailand, Russia, Nepal, and the United States.
The Ashland Independent Film Festival (AIFF) announced the highly anticipated juried and audience award-winning films for work screened at the 16th annual festival, April 6-10, 2017. “I’m particularly pleased that the audience chose different films to award than the juries,” said festival director Richard Herskowitz. “Since many of our films this year deserved special recognition, I’m glad we were able to hand out local artisan Dennis DeBey’s beautiful statuette to so many deserving artists.”
The Ashland Independent Film Festival has announced its lineup for the five-day, five-night festival April 6-10 in venues across Ashland. The 16th annual festival will give a nod to both the future and past with an exciting lineup that pays tribute to the roots of independent film, and new collaborations between film, art, and live performance.