UPDATE: Deadline extended to 5 PM on Monday, May 23th 2011!
Following the successful effort to create a voice for the Oregon Film and Television community in this blog, we recently convened a group of Oregon animation and visual effects professionals that we know, and asked them how a site dedicated to their segment of the industry might be received. After lots of lively conversation and great ideas, it became clear that there was great interest, and that it would be very helpful for drawing attention to the fact that Oregon has more than just great locations, amazing acting and crew talent, and not to mention, a terrific film incentive program.
If you are an animator, visual effects professional, or a firm that offers these services, we need your help right now! Considering the important role that animators and visual effects professionals have in telling stories on screens big and small, we are seeking professionals in the community to join our effort to showcase Oregon’s community of animation and visual effects talent. We’re convening a site which will be community-driven, that will highlight the work of Oregonian professionals, and be curated by folks who are members themselves of the community, Oh, and we forgot to mention that curators will be selected by the community as well.
Oregon Animation will premiere May 25 and the strongest projects will be those that prove Oregon is an ideal resource for producers seeking to hire amazing creative and production talent. For consideration, submit your projects by this Friday, May 20 2011 using the form below.
Please submit your entry below by 5 PM on Monday, May 23th 2011. Entries will be reviewed and the top 3 case studies will be announced at the unveiling of the new site, which will occur in conjunction with the 11th annual Webvisions conference kick-off party on May 25th. Robert Lewis, Executive Director at Fashionbuddha will be the emcee that evening, and consequently also the inaugural curator for the site.
Information collected will not be shared and will only be used for purposes of organizing the OregonAnimation.Com effort. Please feel free to forward any questions to our organizer nate (at) openaffairs.tv, or to Oregon Governors Office of Film and Television representative nathan (at) oregonfilm.org.
Feel free to share this with your friends and peers in the industry!