This new eight-episode TBS comedy follows a 14-year-old pubescent Persian boy (SNL’s Nasim Pedrad) navigating the freshman year of high school on a mission to become popular. “Chad” shot the first season in Portland partially during the Covid pandemic. Read more from Oregon Live.
The new series premieres on April 6th on TBS. Continue reading... “#OregonMade “Chad” Premieres April 6th On TBS”
Turner Broadcasting announced today that D.B. Sweeney has been cast to play the lead in Electric Entertainment’s pilot set in Portland titled “Brain Trust”. Here’s the info on the pilot. Dean Devlin will be directing the pilot which is due to shoot in Portland in December for two weeks. We were thrilled to have Electric bring a second project to Oregon and even more excited to hear that they made the decision to re-write this pilot for Portland. The original script had set the pilot in Washington D.C. Continue reading... “D.B. Sweeney to star in new TV pilot set in Portland”