“Everything Sucks”, a high school coming of age dramedy, set in the late 1990’s Oregon, is currently shooting in Oregon City. The Netflix series will shoot 10 half hour episodes here in Oregon over the coming weeks.
“Everything Sucks” was created by Ben York Jones, and Michael Mohan, and is being produced by Midnight Radio, and is described as a, “quirky, funny coming-of-age story that follows two groups of high school misfits, an A/V club and a Drama club who collide in 1996 Oregon.” Teen actors, Peyton Kennedy and Jahi Winston star as students and Kate Messner, Luke O’Neil, Patch Darragh (Boardwalk Empire) and Claudine Nako (Grimm) as their parents. The series is set to air in 2018.
For the new show, “Everything Sucks” or any other production, I was wondering where I could go to audition or send my talent resume. I love Oregon and theater. Thank you so much to who ever it may concern.
I have lived in Oregon most of my life and Love Oregon!I now live in Oregon City right down the street from where you are filming “Everything Sucks” I think I would be a Great Extra for you a store worker or whatever you need. Would Love to be a part!!! Lisa B