The small town of Brownsville, Oregon celebrated the classic movie Stand By Me on Saturday July 23, 2016. In 1985 Brownsville turned into a town named Castle Rock and was teaming with film crews, actors and all the excitement of the movie making process. Today, the movie is still regarded as a favorite and is listed as one of the top 250 American films of all time. Fans travel from all around the world during the year to see for themselves where this movie was filmed.
This year’s 30th Anniversary event featured a 5K walk/run as a memorial to Ray Brower (the friend who was killed by a train), interviews with some of the cast & crew (including the train engineer from the trestle scene), a vintage car cruise in and vintage trailer open house, an authentic sock hop in the historic Brownsville gym, an amateur blueberry pie eating contest, a Geocache Challenge, a replica of the tree house and guided walking tours. Listen and dance to Johnny Limbo & the Lugnuts that evening and, of course, watch the movie in the park at dusk, thank you to the Oregon Film Commission!
Sponsored by the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce, the Stand by Me 30th Anniversary drew thousands of fans from all around the world to the small, mid-valley, Oregon town.