The Gig Economy
Defining, Marketing and Protecting
your Freelance Status
A Business of Entertainment Workshop
Presented by Paydogs
Saturday, March 23
8:30am – 4pm
The Q Center, Allen Hall
4115 N. Mississipi Ave.
Portland, OR 97217
8:30 – 9:00 Arrival, coffee, settle in
9:00 – 10:00 Business Insurance
Beyond Production Insurance
What’s out there, besides production insurance? What is E&O? Do I need business liability coverage?
10:00 – 11:30 Better Richer Smarter
It’s Possible! Probable
PCC, Small Business Development Center
Free copy of the book included with the workshop
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch (not provided)
1:00 – 2:30 The New Healthcare
Or is it Healthscare?
What does the new healthcare requirement mean to Freelance workers and Independent Contractors?
2:30 – 3:30 Reinventing Yourself
And Staying Reinvented
“We each have the opportunity to define what balance looks like for us, and we can re-asses what it means at different milestones and moments in our lives.”
Space is limited to 50 attendees.
Sign up through PayPal [email protected]
or send check payment to:
Paydogs, 1219 SE Lafayette, Ste. 201, Portland, OR 97202
Excerpt from: The Daily Beast
January 12, 2009
Tina Brown
Gigs: a bunch of free-floating projects, consultancies, and part-time bits and pieces they try and stitch together to make what they refer to wryly as “the Nut”—the sum that allows them to hang on to the apartment, the health-care policy, the baby sitter, and the school fees.
Gigs: They’re all that’s standing between them and…what? The outer-outer boroughs? Eating what’s left of the 401(k)? Moving to Alaska? Out-and-out destitution?
My own anecdotal evidence among friends is now borne out by an exclusive poll conducted last week by The Daily Beast and Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates. Five hundred employed U.S. citizens aged 18 and over were interviewed via the Internet on January 8 and 9.
A full one-third of our respondents are now working either freelance or in two jobs. And nearly one in two of them report taking on additional positions during the last six months.
Just as startling, these new alternative workers are not overwhelmingly low-income. They’re college-educated Americans who earn more than $75,000 a year.
Welcome to the age of Gigonomics.