HouseSpecial’s ‘Lamentation’ Screening at the New Hollywood Theatre @PDX

Portland animation studio HouseSpecial announces the opening screening of ­their latest short film Lamentation at The Hollywood Theatre @PDX, the new movie theatre in Portland’s airport (C Concourse), beginning on February 23, 2017 and running regularly through the Spring.

The short film is inspired by Portland’s own world-renowned Pink Martini’s rendition of the sorrowful Romanian ballad Până când nu te iubeam (Before I Fell in Love with You), with vocals by Storm Large. Director Kirk Kelley, Founding Partner/Creative Director of HouseSpecial, employed traditional stop-motion animation, in-camera VFX and CG elements combined with high-speed footage captured in practical environments. Continue reading... “HouseSpecial’s ‘Lamentation’ Screening at the New Hollywood Theatre @PDX”

Update from Oregon Film trip to Los Angeles

OK so you can't see anything but I had this photo to share

On Friday we were able to take advantage of a unique marketing opportunity thanks to the support of the Portland Based band Pink Martini, a few donated bottles of Oregon Pinot from the Willamette Valley Winery Association and the coordination efforts of Jennifer Yocom from Portland Mayor Sam Adams’ office.  Thanks to Jennifer’s relationship with the band and the band’s willingness to help market Oregon, we were able to obtain twelve tickets to the Pink Martini concert friday night which was the first of three performances this weekend at the bowl.  Continue reading... “Update from Oregon Film trip to Los Angeles”