You Can Come Home Again – Seaside, The Movie

Seaside, Oregon Photo: Zalutsky
Seaside, Oregon. Photo: Zalutsky

Seaside – the movie.
After being born and raised in Portland, I moved east for college and film school. I love coming back to Portland to visit family and friends but for the past 20 years New York has been my home. That old cliché that you can never come home again ringed true for me.

My first feature, You Belong to Me, came out in 2008. Since then I’ve been itching to do another feature. And inspired by the resourcefulness of many colleagues (especially NYU film school colleagues, Annie Howell and Lisa Robinson – find their new feature, Claire in Motion, which just premiered at SXSW) I’ve come home to take advantage of Oregon’s natural beauty, talented creatives, and a family beach house at the Coast, to make my next feature, Seaside.

Seaside is a female-driven revenge thriller. Principal photography starts Sunday, April 10. We shoot for one week in Portland and then two weeks in Seaside, Cannon Beach, and Arch Cape. My small but committed crew includes producers Alyssa Roehrenbeck and Kevin Corstange, cinematographer Phil Anderson, and production designer Jade Harris. We have a great cast of both New York actors (Ariana DeBose from Hamilton; Oregon native Steffani Leigh, Broadway’s most recent Mary Poppins; Matt Shingledecker, Wicked, and Sharon Washington, The Scottborough Boys, Michael Clayton, The Blacklist) and many talented Portland actors (including Victoria Blake, Jana Lee Hamblin, and Bob Olin) brought to us by Simon Max Hill. We’ve received wonderful support from the Oregon Film Office, the tourist offices in Seaside and Cannon Beach, individuals who’ve donated their homes for our cast and crew, and many local businesses in Portland and the Coast, including Mothers Bistro, Batter, Water Avenue Coffee, East Side Distillery, the Challahman (perhaps the movie world’s first official challah sponsor!) who understand the vital role of the arts in making Portland great.

I’m incredibly moved by the generosity of so many people here, both old friends and new. And I can’t wait to join the ranks of filmmakers showcasing this great state. That cliché about returning home may or may not be true. But another cliché that we’ve all heard before really is true: there’s no place like home.

Find out more about Seaside here, and join us @seasidemovie on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Thanks for your support.

Seaside.  Photo: Zalustsky


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