5th Annual Deauville Green Awards Are Accepting Submissions – Got Green?


Got Green?  “The fight and adaptation to climate change, preservation of the biodiversity, energy transition, sustainable agriculture as well as transport and eco-mobility are only some issues of the commercials, image films and documentaries which will be presented at the 5th edition of the Deauville Green Awards on June 15th & 16th. As the largest green showcase in Europe, the festivals shows three competition programs which are dealing with sustainability, eco-innovations and social responsibilty.

Until 2nd of April, directors, producers, TV stations as well as companies and organizations can submit their films in 14 different categories which include eco-tourism and responsible travel, sustainable producing and circular economy, responsible consumption and eco-labels, health and living environment, organizations and social responsibility, handicap, diversity, solidarity, innovations and technological leaps, demographic transition and dependence. The rules and regulations for the application process are available online.

Organized by the association Un écran pour la planète, the festival welcomes applications from PR-agencies, producers and directors, marketing and communication professionals from corporate companies, public administrations, tv channels, multi- media agencies, associations and organizations. The Deauville Green Awards are accepting advertising messages that are less than two minutes long, documentary programs with a length of more than 25 minutes as well as audiovisual communication of corporations, businesses or administrations with a maximum length of less than 25 minutes.”

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