July 7-11 & 14-16
Art of Makeup School for Professional Makeup Artistry is excited to announce a new series of summer classes, beginning on July 7th with Life Casting, Sculpting and Mold Making. This is a 7 day certificate program. Class includes all supplies needed, plus students will take home a facial life cast, a gel-foam appliance, a makeup palette, brushes, sculpting tools, clay and digital picture files of their final project. No experience necessary. $995
Please see flyer at the link below for more info and contact [email protected] to reserve your space.
Other upcoming summer classes include an airbrush fantasy body painting class on Aug 15-17 and more classes to be announced. Our full program begins again on Sept. 2nd. Email us at [email protected] to see our catalog or to be put on our email list. Thank you!