Exciting Casting Opportunity for Lead in Columbia’s “Little House on the Prairie”

1933-LittleHouseOnThePrairieWe were recently contacted by Rachel Tenner Casting for Columbia Pictures (and part of the casting team that spearheaded the nationwide search for “Mattie Ross” in the film, “True Grit”) they are casting for the Laura Ingalls lead in “Little House On The Prairie” and are searching for a young girl to fill this role.  Below you will find the description and information. They are excited to give ALL girls the opportunity to audition and are open to all girls who want to give it a try!  Girls do not need to have representation.

Casting opportunity! Columbia Pictures is on a casting search for a GIRL (10 – 13) to play “Laura” in the film, LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE.

For information & submission link, please go to: www.littlehousecasting.com

[LAURA INGALLS] – LEAD. Female, 10-13 years old, the smart and spirited middle child of Charles and Caroline Ingalls. Laura is a tomboy and adventure seeker living in the Prairie Lands in 1870. Laura is the type of girl who marches to the beat of her own drum and prefers the outdoors to reading and homework. She has a close relationship with her family and dearly loves her ”Pa” and older sister Mary. When her family moves from their home in the Big Woods of Wisconsin to Independence, Kansas, she embraces the adventures she encounters on their journey. Life is not easy, but Laura rises to the challenge…LEAD

NOTE: If you’ve already taped for this role — please do not resubmit. Script or info on other roles is not available at this time.”

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