2 Exciting Classes Starting Week of Jan 14


2 exciting classes are beginning next week at the Northwest Film Center School of Film:


Taught by Oscar-winning Will Vinton

Get individual consultation and class member coaching support for your animation project.

Topics: bring what you’re already working on or an idea for a short film project; receive group feedback and individual advising for the issues you face, such as: conceptual design and script development, fundraising/budgeting, character, story or performance, technical challenges, post-production, or other challenges; bring in work-in-progress for class critique and one-on-one consultation with instructor. more


Taught by actor and casting director Louanne Moldovan

Learn and apply the tools that lead and inspire actors to effective performances.

Topics: how to analyze and interpret a script; the language of actors and how to speak it; set protocol; conducting effective rehearsals; watch the instructor direct and observe a guest director’s process; as final projects, individuals direct a scene using two professional actors and actual film scripts (provided). more

Classes filling up fast – register today!

Register for ANY multi-session class and receive discounted access to purchase Avid Media Composer 6.5 for $295 (a savings of 80% off the retail price) in addition to free admission to films at the Northwest Film Center.


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