Success of Oregon’s Film and TV industry highlighted in Hollywood Reporter

Recently the media that covers the film and television industry has taken notice in all the work happening in the state.  In the web based trade “The Wrap”, a recent article about the state of the TV industry mentioned Portland as a city on the rise for TV production. We were also contacted by the Hollywood Reporter a month or so ago as they decided to do a feature on the TV work in the city.  Some of you may remember that they did a “Made in Oregon” feature a year and a half ago.  The print version of the piece was issued today, and we were sent a pdf file to share with those of you who can’t get the Reporter.  Here’s a link to the pdf file (it’s a big file so it might take a bit to download).

Representatives from “Portlandia”, “Grimm” and “Leverage” all gush about their experience in Oregon and Dean Devlin continues to talk about what’s possible in the future.  All in all a great piece!


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