Civic Stadium, built in 1938 as a WPA project in Eugene, Oregon, is a rare historic resource and is on the National Register of Historic Places. This classic wooden grandstand, which seats about 7000, has been a community catalyst for generations, but now is threatened with demolition. Its story is the story of countless cultural heritage sites around the world, of which some of which have been protected and many have been lost. Whatever happens to it, we intend to make a documentary film about the place and its community significance so that future generations will know what we had. What may be our last and best chance to fund this project is our Kickstarter campaign, posted at ( Please see our 3 minute film trailer posted on the Kickstarter project page. At this point, it is very important to add names to the list of supporters, much like a petition. The campaign self-destructs at the end of June, whether or not we have reached our goal. The minimum pledge is one dollar. If we don’t reach our pledge goal ($50,000), nobody pays anything. If we are able to make the film, we believe the stadium stands a much better chance to survive this critical moment in its history.
For some people, doing online sign-ups is a challenge. To assist you in going through the online hoops, we have put together a step-by-step instruction list. This is appended below. Thanks very much!
Rick Pettigrew
Richard M. (Rick) Pettigrew, Ph.D., RPA
President and Executive Director
Archaeological Legacy Institute
4147 E. Amazon Dr.
Eugene, OR 97405
541-338-3109 (fax)
Skype: rick.pettigrew
Step-by-step instructions for the Kickstarter campaign:
1. Go to and you can watch our video trailer and read all about the project.
2. Click on “Back This Project” (the green box)
3. Enter your pledge amount (the dollar amount in the box above or select one of the automatic amounts in the list below)
4. “Continue to the next step” (green box)
5. If you get a security warning, it’s okay to click on “yes,” and then you get to the page for setting up your Kickstarter account. If you already have a Kickstarter account, then go that route, but otherwise set up a new Kickstarter account. You can sign in with your Facebook account or just set up your new account by entering your information and entering a password.
6. Then comes the “Check out with Amazon” page. Click the “Continue to Amazon” green box.
7. Use your existing account or set up a new one. When you have done this successfully, you are taken back to Kickstarter and congratulated for your pledge. No need to sign out, so you can just close the page.