A new show for Netflix from Matt Groening – “Disenchantment,” an animated series that “follows the misadventures of a hard-drinking princess, her feisty elf companion and her personal demon.” Get ready – August 17th.
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Netflix has given Oregonian, Matt Groening, a 20-episode order for a new animated comedy, “Disenchantment.” The adult fantasy comedy is about “life and death, love and sex, and how to keep laughing in a world full of suffering and idiots, despite what the elders and wizards and other jerks tell you,” Groening told Variety.
Matt Groening was born and raised in Portland, then moved to LA in the 1980’s to work at a newspaper. It was there that he began drawing a comic strip called “Life in Hell.” Continue reading... “Netflix Orders New Show, “Disenchantment”, From Matt Groening”