Nina Oberlin is the owner of Shadow Streak Productions, a freelance set builder, animator, puppeteer, puppet-maker, and the artist the Oregon Film Trail sponsored to design a unique cat on the LAIKA and Downtown Portlands’ Coraline’s Curious Cat Trail. Nina brings a talented, unique skill set to this project. We caught up with her while she was hand painting “Cat Usher”.
We asked Nina to tell us a little about herself; ” I live in Lafayette, Oregon, with my family. I am an ISDVA student pursuing a Ph.D. in Art Theory and Philosophy. My passions are animation, puppetry, and film. In 2010, I started my journey into animation and cinematography. I received my degree in animation in 2018, and in 2022, my degree in cinematography. 2019, I started my studio (Shadow Streak Productions) and worked on different animation and puppetry projects. Nothing is more exciting than bringing an idea to life, whether mine or someone else’s. I am a Klamath Film board member and each year I get to see all the fantastic work that comes out of Oregon. This is a beautiful place that inspires so many.” Nina is currently working on a web series.
Nina is the creator of the puppet, “Melvin Zrawls”, a zombie movie usher that works at the “Shadow Streak theater.” Melvin (aside from taking on a life on his own, see his Instagram account: @Melvin_z73) was the inspiration for “Cat Usher”. Nina told us that Melvin’s love of movies, and inclination for “sticking his nose in the action”, inspired her when designing the trail cat.
To see “Cat Usher” (and all the other 30 cats) you can find him keeping watch in Portland’s living room, at Pioneer Courthouse Square. To participate in the trail, you can download the app, or visit Travel Portland for a paper version, and collect all the cats. The trail is part of Laika’s celebration of the 15th anniversary of OregonMade”Coraline”, remastered in 3D. Look for it in theaters nationwide, starting August 15th.
To contact Nina: