New Sign Unveiled in Baker City, Enhancing the “Eastern Loop” of the Oregon Film Trail


The Oregon Film Trail, known for its markers at iconic Oregon film locations, will unveil its newest sign on the north exterior wall of the historic Geiser Grand Hotel.  The new Trail marker commemorates the film version of the Broadway musical comedy, “Paint Your Wagon”, a beloved production that featured Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, and Jean Seberg. The public was invited to attend and some attendees shared their filming stories from their time working on”Paint Your Wagon”. Many local Baker County residents were hired to work as crew and background actors, and some provided pictures and anecdotes at the event of their time working on the show. These incredible stories will be added to an oral history section of the Oregon Film Trail website soon.

This sign is the 42nd on the Oregon Film Trail and adds another official stop to the “Eastern Loop,” joining other signs in, Baker City (Baker Heritage Museum), Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort, Hines, Burns, Joseph, Wallowa Lake State Park, Athena, and soon, Richland. This latest sign addition is in collaboration with the Geiser Grand Hotel, Travel Baker County, Baker County Economic Development, the Eastern Oregon Visitors Association, the OregonMade Creative Foundation, and the Oregon Film Trail.

Sixty years ago, Hollywood sought out the most awe-inspiring unspoiled scenery in the American West. They found it in the Eagle Caps in Eastern Oregon, where it remains protected and maintained for all to enjoy. Mandy Clark, Manager of the Geiser Grand Hotel said, “We are so excited to share the Paint Your Wagon story with guests; we are open seven days/a week with maps and picnic baskets, ready to send everyone out to see the beauty.

Film tourism is growing and in 2023 its global market size was estimated at 66.9M U.S. dollars, this figure has been forecasted to increase to almost 119M U.S. dollars by 2033. (2023 Future Market Insights Study) The Oregon Film Trail connects significant filming locations across the state through recognizable markers, stitching together communities, locations, and notable films. This initiative serves as a framework for promoting travel, cultivating local economic development, and celebrating Oregon’s rich filmmaking history. The Oregon Film Trail celebrates this vibrant history while also expanding opportunities to market communities to the thriving film tourism sector through its partnership with the global film tourism app, SetJetters.

For over a century, Oregon’s diverse towns and regions have been backdrops for more than 500 films and television shows, contributing to recognition and economic gains. Oregon’s contribution to film began with silent-era films and it continues to be a destination for creative media producers from around the world to this day.

The Oregon Film Trail began as a unique partnership between Oregon Film, the OregonMade Creative Foundation, and in collaboration with the Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce, with grant help from Travel Oregon, the Oregon Coast Visitors Association, the Willamette Valley Visitors Association, and now has partnerships with multiple other community and travel entities.

We are excited to support the addition of a film trail sign in Baker City. Our communities have such rich histories- and the Oregon Film Trail is a great tool to tell some of those stories.” – Alana Garner Carollo, EOVA’s Executive Director.

Tim Williams, Executive Director, of Oregon Film, said, “It is so great to see this recognition of the deep history of filmmaking in Eastern Oregon and the place the Geiser Grand holds within that history. The growing recognition of the Oregon Film Trail and the film fans that will follow it will just be another good reason for people to visit one of the most beautiful parts of our state.

For more information about the Oregon Film Trail visit

For more information on the Geiser Grand Hotel visit:

For more information on Travel Baker County visit:

For more information on Baker County Economic Development visit:


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