Eugene’s Ballet Fantastique has created a wonderful holiday “ballet film” called American Christmas Carol, based on the story by Charles Dickens. The film was conceived, choreographed, and staged by Donna Marisa Bontrager and Hannah Bontrager, co-founders of Ballet Fantastique. It was filmed and directed by Jeremy Bronson of Bronson Studios in Portland. American Christmas Carol was shot at several location in Eugene-Springfield, Walker, Leaburg, and Portland, Oregon.
This is the first film Ballet Fantastique has ever made.
You really need to see this remarkable film to appreciate what the filmmakers, choreographers, company dancers and film crew have accomplished. You can find a trailer and link to buy or gift tickets for a virtual screening at
American Christmas Carol was made to provide a viewing alternative to the company’s very successful previous Christmas performance, which could not be staged this year at the Hult because of COVID-19 restrictions.