Films With Fabulous Visual Effects

In modern cinema, visual effects, as they are also called – special effects, are inseparable from almost every new film. They are constantly being improved so much that the viewer will never distinguish computer graphics from reality. With the advent of special effects, the boundaries of directorial imagination and the possibility of realizing it have completely disappeared. The need for complex and expensive decorations gradually disappears, and their place is taken by a powerful computer processor and an animation studio.

But even among the abundance of effects in modern cinema, there are movies that impress with the innovation and professionalism of creating graphics in them.

Most exciting movies whose special effects are forever engraved in our memory


Probably everyone knows 11 more parts of those legendary films. Indeed, this media franchise has become a cult during its existence and, so far, no one has surpassed it. Recall that the first film was released back in 1977, the 12th film is due out later this year. Future episodes of Star Wars will also be released in 2022, 2024, and 2026. Special effects are amazing because in those years there were not even half of the technologies that are now. For those who have not watched for a long time – we recommend recalling childhood or youth 🙂 and this time pay attention to the schedule.


Marvel company, like no one else, knows how to make films with computer graphics. Each film is a masterpiece, so everyone who saw them remains a fan for a long time. The Russo brothers really know how to make quality content, and their cinematic universe Marvel is simply amazing.


One of the freshest films of 2019. The great director Guy Ritchie, known for many talented works, made a remake that impresses with its quality and technology. All viewers noted that the graphic design is at the highest level, and the immersion feeling did not leave all the time.


A post-apocalyptic action movie that impresses viewers from the first minutes. How many years have passed since the last movie of the trilogy? The first part of the film started back in 1979. Now, the authors again offer the audience to watch a film telling about the new adventures of Mad Max. Graphics and special effects amaze and surprise, and the plot will interest both young people and the older generation.


There is probably no person who would not hear about this film. This sci-fi masterpiece of world cinema will not leave you indifferent. If for some reason you have not watched it yet, urgently change this situation. It came out back in 2009, but so far no one has surpassed him at the box office.


This film trilogy cannot be called legendary, but no doubt, it is great. The graphics are striking – in the smallest details, you can see the lifestyle. In order to create this, you must really be able to create films and graphics. Of course, much can be changed, but each film can be changed by the viewer with their perceptions.


One of the newest films that leave a great impression. The main character is recreated using motion capture technology. But, despite this, the film received average ratings from film critics. After watching the movie, it’s very interesting to read how the movie was made and how computer graphics work in principle.

Oscar Award: Who in 2019 Became A Recognized Leader in Visual Effects

If you take the films released in the last year, then among them there are many interesting not only for their script, casting or acting but also for the unusual effects used.

The long list of Oscars for “Best Special Effects” included as many as 20 films. Among them are all the same representatives of the cinema universe Marvel – “Avengers: The Endgame” and “Black Panther”, the successors of the famous film franchises “Jurassic World 2”, “Solo: A Star Wars Story”, “Bumblebee” etc.

Not only blockbusters with an active and dynamic plot were included in this list: strangely enough, fantasy films also fought for the Oscars this year (“Mortal Engines”, “Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindewald”), and even family movies (“Paddington 2”).

We should also mention one more nominee – the animated film “Isle of Dogs”, in which puppet animation was used. It did not enter the shortlist, but was noted by critics.

And the winner in the “Best Special Effects” nomination was the first person biopic about Neil Armstrong “The First Man”: it was this movie that experts noted for the realism of the picture, the full effect of presence and accuracy in the image of space and the lunar surface.

Special effects are one of the most effective tools in the modern film industry. They allow you to constantly improve the image on the screen and transfer viewers to fantastic worlds. Moreover, it is not necessarily for them to be an attribute of only action films or science fiction. Sometimes, they can complement even such seemingly mundane genres as family movies or biographical films.

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