Matt Schulte and Lower Boom are co-producing an innovative documentary series that takes audiences on an international tour of independent filmmaking: JUMP THE FENCE – Around the World in 7 films.
Hosts Molly Elizabeth Parker, 29, Lacy Allen, 26, and Britt Harris, 30, actors and best friends, will work in 7 different films, in 7 different countries, from 7 award-winning directors, over 7 months.
They are traveling to Brazil, Norway, China, Greece, United States, Israel, and Australia to work on a wide variety of movies.
The series is both an exploration of the creative and technical aspects of the filmmaking process and an intimate look at the ups and downs these actors and their collaborators face. Profiling a new director in each country, audiences will experience with these unique individuals the challenges and exhilarations of the creative struggle, language barriers, travel predicaments, the bonds of friendship, the collision of cultures and the desire to grow both as artists and citizens of the world.
First episode: Brazil. Filming this June.
On Tuesday, April 25th they launched a campaign on Seed and Spark to raise the funds needed for the first leg of the global filmmaking marathon.
Learn more about Jump the Fence –
…and follow their adventure on social media!
Twitter – @Jump_The_Fence
Instagram – @jumpthefenceseries
Facebook – @jumpthefenceseries
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