IFC Officially Announces 2nd Season Portlandia Air Date and Guest Stars

Today in the Hollywood Reporter, IFC officially announced the air date for the second season of “Portlandia”.  The show will premiere on January 9 at 10:00PM.  With the announcement came mention of more guest stars set to appear in the second season including Tim Robbins, Kristen Wiig and “30 Rock’s” Jack McBrayer.  Knowing that there were as many as 20 guest stars slated to appear in this second season, we can’t wait to hear who else showed up in Portland to do a bit on the show.  If you follow tweets about the show over the summer, there were a few of those guest stars tweeting about their experience in Portland.  With the show now wrapped, our sights are set on the premiere and all the exposure that will likely come to Portland and Oregon.


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