Filming on Location Workshop with Bill Bowling

Looking for insight on the vast subject of shooting on location? Looking for the opportunity to pick the brain of a internationally recognized industry expert? Looking to connect with other local filmmakers?

It’s all here!

The short of it:

What:  The Nuts & Bolts of Filming on Location

Who: Bill Bowling DGA & founding member and former director of the Location Managers Guild of America–Check out his bio bellow, it’s impressive!

When: Two Saturdays, Oct 22nd & 29th 10am to 4pm

Where: Northwest Film Center School of Film

How Much: Unbelievably reasonable cost of $70–Scholarships available to even further reduce cost (see below)!

Registration required, do so here!



Though Bowling has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share, there is no need for you to break the bank on this one: Tuition is $70, but if you are still having trouble swinging that cost, 50% need-based scholarships are available to emerging and veteran filmmakers.

BILL BOWLING has spent more than 30 years organizing filming around the world, having worked with all of the major Hollywood studios, including a stint as the worldwide locations executive for Warner Bros. from 2006-2008. Currently a supervising location manager, he is also a member of the Directors Guild of America, a founding member and former director of the Location Managers Guild of America, and executive consultant to THE LOCATION GUIDE, the world’s leading guide to film production. Having traveled to or worked in 90 countries, he is also a specialist in the creation and implementation of competitive production incentive programs and an independent consultant to governments who are developing their film and media industries. When not traveling, he resides in Portland and West Hollywood.







Locations are more than an attractive backdrop. Great locations propel and enhance the story, often becoming major characters themselves. The Film Center is pleased to present this unique opportunity to dive into the world of film locations with one of the world’s experts in the field. Whether you are already a specialist in some aspect of location production or aspire to more effectively scout or manage your own (or friends’) locations, this workshop will help you hone your skills, drawing upon the instructor’s vast experience in scouting, arranging, and supervising locations around the globe.

The first Saturday class will focus on aesthetic implications of locations, architectural styles, script breakdown, budgeting, location agreements, and legal concerns. The class will include an on-location demonstration of how to select and shoot locations. Participants will be assigned to find locations as homework during the week.

The second Saturday will review class location selection assignments, with participants presenting their selections as if to a director. This class day will also cover scouting/location resources, the importance of an aesthetic eye, pre-shoot tech scouts with the director and department personnel, logistical arrangements, how visual effects can factor into filming on location, negotiating, working with key players, career opportunities, and techniques for success.

The goals are for participants to increase their abilities to: 1) select locations that best advance their stories, and 2) organize smooth, efficient location production logistics.

50% need-based scholarships are available to emerging and veteran filmmakers. Previous experience with location shooting is not required, but applicants must have some film production experience. To apply, send resume, contact information, and a brief description of financial need to [email protected]. Requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis until the workshop is full. No deadline.


No specific classes are required. Please see notes below for more details and recommended skills required to successfully participate in this course.


SATURDAYS, OCT 22 & 29, 10 AM-4 PM

2 Sessions


Tuition: $70.00
Equipment/Lab Fees: $0.00


934 SW Salmon Street, Portland, OR (Corner of 10th & Salmon)



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One thought on “Filming on Location Workshop with Bill Bowling

  1. Oh, I wish I could make it, but those two days are impossible for me. Please let me know when you are doing this class again!


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