Industry Golf and Wine Tour on July 23rd

OMPA Final Cut Classuc

Over 100 industry guests are already signed up to attend the Final Cut Classic on July 23rd in Hood River Oregon. Participation is designed to bring more exposure and deeper business contacts to the attendees. The event raises money for education scholarships and the OMPA, and it is a great show of support for the crew and other business owners who work together to continue growing the industry.

Who’s Attending?
Nike, Studio Bard, AFTRA, SAG, Self Productions, Actors in Action, CMD, Indent Studios, Porter Panther, @ Large Films, Respond2, Limbo Films, Digital One, Hays Companies, ADi, CineRent West, Thug Interactive, Columbia Bank, Gales Creek Insurance, Strategy Insurance, Fulford Creative, Zebra Media, Tag Team Audio, Vault Model & Artist Management, LNS Captioning, Lana Veenker Casting, Strategic Marketing Group, Pacific Grip & Lighting, Autodesk, Key Code Media, AJA Video Systems.

Thanks to our title sponsors Autodesk, AJA and Key Code Media, we are offering a limited number of discounts. Only 20 discounts are available, so act now:
– Take $25 off each golf registration with discount code “Autodesk/AJA/KeyCodeMedia”
– Take $10 off Wine Tour registration with discount code “SAG/AFTRA”

Register online at

Why support OMPA?
OMPA is the voice for Oregon’s statewide production industry. Our mission is to grow jobs and business opportunities, which we achieve through various programs: we collect our professionals within a directory so that the industry is more readily accessed to make jobs and business happen; we publish information about the local industry and promote Oregon as a production location so that the local market will benefit from increased business; we conduct workshops, advocate with economic development programs, and produce high-value professional networking events like this one.

More details at

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