Northwest Animation Festival, May 18-19 @ the Hollywood Theatre

The biggest animation festival that Oregon has seen in years is just around the corner. From Beaverton to Beijing, filmmakers have responded to our call, sending in their best work. Even the most seasoned animators on our jury agree: this is going to be something special.

NW Animation Fest 2012
amazing shorts from around the world

Friday, May 18
Saturday, May 19
different program each night

in advance: $12 for one night / $20 for both
at the door: $15 for one night / $25 for both
CLICK HERE to buy tickets

Hollywood Theatre – main auditorium
4122 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97212

The 2012 Northwest Animation Festival showcases nearly 60 short films from 15 countries, representing the very best of contemporary animation.

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John Frame: Three Fragments of a Lost Tale

Presented by the Portland Art Museum
FEB 18 – MAY 27, 2012

From now through May 27th, make sure to check out the imaginative art of John Frame on display at the Portland Art Museum. Art, music, poetry, and film come together in his ambitious project The Tale of the Crippled Boy. The end goal of this ongoing project is a feature-length collection of animated and live film vignettes. Three Fragments of a Lost Tale presents his work on this project during the past five years, including installations of his handmade sculptures, stage sets, still photographs, music score, and animated film vignettes. Continue reading... “John Frame: Three Fragments of a Lost Tale”