Pop Art Makeup Workshop!

Pop Art Makeup

Step back in time when Andy Warhol ruled the art scene with his bright colors and art style that popped off the canvas! Art that looked like it belonged in a comic book. Now it’s your turn to create a fun colorful look using makeup as the medium and the face as the canvas.  Challenge your creativity using lines, circles, and bold colors for this fun Pop Art Makeup look! Bodypaint and beauty artist Linda Wong will be the instructor. As always, we will be taking professional photos of your work in our photography studio. Bring a model or paint yourself.

Date: April 30th

Time: 1-4:30pm

Tuition: $50. Includes all supplies needed and professional images of your work

Place: The Art of Makeup School  http://www.artofmakeupschool.com

11830 Kerr Parkway

Lake Oswego, OR 97035


Register at Pop Art Workshop

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