Join many of Portland’s top non-fiction professionals as they discuss the important issues surrounding the industry. Topics include: storytelling to help raise money, storytelling in production, transmedia storytelling, branded and advocacy storytelling and new distribution models. Come network and get inspired!
Presenters (more to be added):
Irene Taylor Brodsky: Vermillion Pictures
Jon Betz: Collective Eye Films
Amanda Elder: Dir. of Distrib. & Acquisitions – Collective Eye
David Waingarten: Second Story
Kate McMahon: Producer
Laura Fravel: Producer
Ed Jahn: Producer
Jody Turner: Culture of Future
David Davis: OPB
Venue: NW Film Center, Whitsell Auditorium, 1219 SW Park Street, Portland, OR 97205
Price: Get a discount of 20% all tickets with promo code: PDXDS