Join Us for a “SourceOregon Directory Release Party”

SourceOregon 2012 is here! 

The long awaited 2012 version of the SourceOregon industry directory is here, and we want you to celebrate with us! Three SourceOregon Directory Release Parties are scheduled throughout the state:

Fri, Apr 27, 4-7pm at Koerner Camera Systems in Portland
Wed, May 2, 7pm
at 4 Daughters Irish Pub in Medford
Thu, May 3, 6:30pm
at Roaring Rapids Pizza in Eugene

There are 1,500 crew and professional services included in this year’s directory, reflecting Oregon’s growing resources to serve the commercial, film, television and interactive media production industry. Equally exciting is our switch to a larger, magazine size format, with articles, photos and information about what makes Oregon a valuable place to shoot. We think you’ll like it!

Copies are already in the OMPA office, and every OMPA member should pick one up either at one of the parties listed above or from the office at 901 SE Oak St #104 in Portland. Copies for non-members and general public are available for $12. (Additional free copies have been set aside for any production coming to town, and are distributed to producers, coordinators and department heads for all the projects that land here.)

A comprehensive directory of all the professional services in Oregon is an extremely practical resource for shooting in the state. Keeping producers abreast of a current list of crew and resources available is a big part of OMPA’s role in fostering a functioning production industry in Oregon. And because contact information changes and new resources arrive throughout the year, the entire directory is live on, where every lister can log in and add or change their own information.

The directory is used to show what sets Oregon apart, and includes stories about our locations, ease of permitting, technological savvy, production and post production resources. In addition to distribution to the working crew, production companies and projects currently shooting in Oregon, the directory is distributed as a marketing piece to agencies and production companies throughout the U.S.

In addition to being a resource for coordinating our local industry and marketing Oregon’s resources to the world, SourceOregon is also where we publish the industry’s Standards & Practices, which includes suggested terms and best practices for client billing, employing children and working as an independent contractor.

While the total dollars spent in Oregon’s industry is not yet known, we do know that the film and television component (ok, mostly television) is 177% greater than in 2010. That’s a lot of increase! Thank you for being a functioning community to accommodate that growth with professionalism and grace. And thanks for using SourceOregon to stay connected.

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