Now Accepting Submissions! The Eastern Oregon Film Festival is slated for October 20, 21, & 22 this year, right here in downtown La Grande, Oregon. If you missed last year’s event, or only got a small taste, be on the up and up to get info on participation in this years festival.
Eastern Oregon Film Festival has just launched a new website and are now accepting submission for films. Early bird-discount runs through the 16th so get you final cut wrapped up and get your film submitted. Final submission deadline for films this year will be August 31, 2011. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
The Eastern Oregon Film Festival would not be possible without the help of the ambitious and grande sponsors who choose to help financially or with goods & services in 2010 and is reaching out for continued support as this festival is nurtured into a signature event for La Grande and Eastern Oregon. For information on how you, your business, or an organization can support the festival in 2011 please visit:
Eastern Oregon Film Festival had a tremendous 2010 year screening 20 films, showcasing 4 bands, and having a heck of a lot of fun. The festival reached out to filmmakers across the globe and was blessed by the participation of such filmmakers as Matthew Porterfield (Putty Hill), Jessica Oreck (Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo), Kentucker Audley (Open Five) and many more.
Portland, Oregon’s “Yeah Great Fine”, and Boise’s “Finn Riggins” & “Hillfolk Noir” blessed last year’s stages and were accompanied by local musicians Shaun Daniel and Sons of Guns for 3 nights of after hour gatherings.
Eastern Oregon Film Festival hopes to continue to grow and to continue to interface with powerful media artists in both film and music while reaching out to the East and West to facilitate a convergence point for great independent film and music.

Original post can be found here: