MovieMaker Votes PSU One of “The Best Film Schools in the U.S. + Canada”

PSU School of Film + Theatre (photo: Peter Simon)

MovieMaker Magazine voted Portland State one of the “The Best Film Schols in the U.S. and Canada 2017.”  This is what they had to say about the PSU courses:“Forget about basic “film history”—the in-depth courses at PSU are sure to inspire academic curiosity. Suzanne Gray, marketing and communications manager at the school, calls the “strong curriculum and faculty” in the criticism arena a major attraction. A sample of course options: “Forbidden Love in Israeli Film,” “Transnational Stardom,” “Danish Films from Dreyer to Dogme” and “Disney: Gender, Race, and Empire.” Continue reading... “MovieMaker Votes PSU One of “The Best Film Schools in the U.S. + Canada””