‘The College Girl’ was shot in 2015 and finally premiered on Amazon Prime on April 20th, 2022. Described stylistically as Jim Jarmusch meets Kevin Smith, this deadpan satire follows an innocent young girl from farm country who moves to the big city to pursue her dreams. But as time goes on, she finds that her expectations might be out of touch with cold, hard reality.
“Awkward friendships, awkward relationships, awkward classes, awkward calls to mom and dad, lame parties, nightmare internships, and—gasp—taking the bus are just a few of the rites of passage Jane faces with a weary and aloof resolve.” – Matt Wild, Milwaukee Record
“The cast proves to be one of The College Girl’s strengths, as Salimes coaxes performances that are unusually fluid and natural for a low-budget film—presumably produced on a tight schedule with limited opportunities for rehearsal or retakes. Filmed in black and white with an eye for cinematic detail and composition, The College Girl’s plot advances sluggishly, yet it’s a sweet and funny story about a small-town girl coming of age on campus in a big city. The dialogue rings true.” – David Luhrssen, Shepherd Express
The film can be streamed or purchased here.