Spotlight On Location Professional – Mathew Noack

Mathew Noack at the top of the Gorge, Oregon.
Born and raised a boy scout in rural Oregon, Mathew Noack is a true son of the state. Upon graduating high school, he dug deep into the Oregon soil, pulled up his roots and posted sail. Catching eastward winds, he landed in Colorado, Texas and eventually Florida. This is where he completed his film degree at what was then Full Sail Real World Education, now Full Sail University.
Returning to Oregon, he spent seven years trying to find a sustainable place for himself in the media production industry. Discovering it to be hit or miss, he purchased a round trip ticket for ten days in New York City. His mother then placed in his hands the last of her available cash and challenged that he come back only if he absolutely had to. Accepting this, he called her on the eighth day to tell her that he would not be returning.
After six and a half years of providing location services in NY, NJ and CT he heard the siren song of his native state. Finding the diverse collection of dramatic, awe-inspiring backdrops of his childhood impossible to resist, he packed everything on a whim and headed for home.
Shortly after his return he was recruited to the locations team on NBC’s “GRIMM.” Ever since, he has been driven by opportunities to share his love for the natural beauty of Oregon and showcasing the talents of the local crew. Whether collaborating with a local group in downtown Portland or guiding a visiting production company through Oregon’s rural expanses, he consistently delivers service driven results backed by the genuine respect of the production community.
Most if all, Mathew enjoys exploring Oregon first hand. He can often be found deep in the backcountry, basking in the fresh ocean air or exploring the vast expanse east of the cascades. He finds joy in sharing the unparalleled diversity his home state has to offer with the media production industry. So, if you’re looking for an Oregon based media adventure, drop him a line for a warm hardy welcome.

Mathew Noack
C: 503-901-8244

IMDb: Mathew Noack


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