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  • The Lies of the Victors (Die Lügen der Sieger)
    7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

    Category: FilmScreeningThe Lies of the Victors (Die Lügen der Sieger)

    Posted by: Yvonne Behrens
    Clinton Street Theater
    2522 Southeast Clinton Street
    Portland, OR 97202

    The Lies of the Victors (Die Lügen der Sieger)


    The Lies of the Victors (Die Lügen der Sieger)

    WED. July 11, 2018 – 7:00 PM

    The Lies of the Victors (Die Lügen der Sieger)

    Germany 2014
    Director Christoph Hochhäusler
    Cast: Florian David Fitz, Lilith Stangenberg, Horst Kotterba, Ursina Lardi

    Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he is saddled with an intern, he reacts sulkily, but after losing his hot story about questionable army policy towards injured veterans, he switches to a gory zoo story that he’d actually meant to leave to the intern. But there seems to be more behind the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion. Signs proliferate indicating that the two stories are interlinked. Is it pure coincidence, or is Groys the victim of nebulous figures who are skillfully feeding him information? Is he still an independent investigative journalist or has he long since been made into a puppet captured in the sticky threads of a web, spun by forces unknown? And if this is the case, how can Groys regain his independence if he is battling an opponent who never steps out of the shadows?

    The Lies of the Victors (Die Lügen der Sieger)